Remember Me

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I've made you guys wait long enough so please i just want to warn you. SMUT. A LOT OF SMUT UP AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Chapter 6:

Flashback (Three years ago)

Amara Andrea

This guy is taking forever. I think to myself as i wait across the street for my target to enter the hotel. I had a mission to eliminate Eli wylder for interfering with our ammunition shipments. New York in fucking December. I just wanted to kill this fucker and leave to go back to Italy.

"There you are" I see Eli enter the building.

I cross the street and walk into the foyer of the hotel to see him standing near the phone booth. I turn around to walk to reception as i bump into a Hard muscular chest. I look up to see a handsome bachelor covered in tattoos up to his neck with light green eyes and dark hair.

"Excuse me love, That was my fault" He says as he lays his hands on my shoulders to prevent me from falling.

"Fault was mind, i wasn't looking where i was going, excuse" i say as i step back from his embrace to turn and walk away.

His hand lightly grabs my arm and spins me around towards him.

"How about i buy you a drink and call it an accident" He speaks to me and he releases my from his grip.

"I would love too but i have dinner plans in about 20 minuets" I say trying to convince him to leave me be.

"It will only take ten" He assures me and without a thought i accept.

He walks me over to the bar and calls for the bar tender.

"I'll have whiskey, neat" He says to the man

"Order what ever you want, on me" He turns to tell me.

"I'll have the same thanks" I tell the tender.

"A whiskey girl, I like" He says as he whispers in my ear.

I must admit his breath down my neck right now is turning me on. He lingers his fingers on my neck and moves his hand up to my face to push a strand of hair behind my ear making me go wild. This man sitting in front of me was definitely good looking in every way. He stares into my eyes and try to examine my emotions. I break eye contract to turn to thank the bartender who has brought the drinks over.

"You new to New York" he asks me before taking a sip.

"Something like that, i'm just here for the weekend" I say before taking a sip of mine.

"Business or pleasure" he asks putting his glass down.

"Maybe a little bit of both" I tease him with my eyes.

We talked for two hours about random shit to keep the conversation going. He made me laugh, i felt normal for a while.

"What happened to that dinner date of yours" He asks he.

Shit i had completely forgotten about the mission. I was supposed to have my target killed by now and on my plane back to Italy. I pull out my phone to text the pilot to be on standby tonight and that i didn't know when i was gonna be ready.

"They cancelled on me" I speak up noticing i had been silent for a while.

"Who the hell in their right mind would cancel on you" He says as he takes the last sip of his third glass.

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