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(Just a heads up It's been forever since I've worked on this story so if maybe some of the details don't quite add up to things I've said in the past don't hold it against me I'm trying)

It had been about a week since we'd gotten home from our trip. Tomorrow will be my first day of College and I'm terrified. I've been involuntarily regressed non stop for days from the stress and anxiety of the upcoming day. I feel bad cause I know I've been a lot more work for daddy. I've been much clingier then normal, but I can't stand being alone for long lately. My outfit  was all picked out I had gone clothes shopping with Daddy when we got home. I'm so worried about fitting in and not being able to do it properly. Right now I was sitting in the floor in the living room playing with toys and Daddy was sitting on the couch watching TV. I started having a tummy ache so I put my toys down and I got on the couch, and I curled into a ball next to Daddy. "Baby? What's wrong?" He asked. I just grunted in response. "Baby, you need to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." 


"Your tummy hurts Baby?" He asked, and I nodded my head. "Is it a Tummy ache or just anxiety again?" 

"I dunno" I said. 

"You want to go get some food?" He asked "Maybe you're hungry" I nodded my head and cuddled in closer to him. "Baby you are gonna have to let Daddy up if you want me to go make food" I shook my head no. 

"Daddy pease we just order food I wan you" I asked. 

Time skip~

 It was later that night after we finished dinner, I was sitting on our bed waiting for Daddy to come to give me a bath before bed. He was taking a long time and I was getting impatient. So I got off the bed and went in the bathroom I've decided I can give myself a bath. I got myself undressed and started running the water. I got in and started to wash my hair, "What're you doing?" I heard daddy ask. I look over at him "Taking a bath" I answer. 

"But you were supposed to wait for me Baby" He said. 

"Nuh uh you takes way to long I been waiting forever" I said. He chuckled at me, 

"Baby I'm right here why so impatient, Hmmm?" He asked. I just grunted in response I was to sleepy and I didn't have the energy to come up with words, then without saying anything he just finished helping me wash up. He got me out and began drying me off, he picked me up and carried me to our bed. He sat me down on the bad and grabbed some jammies for me. After he got me dressed he said it was time for bed. We cuddled up under the blankets and after a minute my thoughts started to eat at me I was to nervouse for tomorrow. "Daddy?" 

"Yes Princess?"

"Can I has some water?"  I asked. He chuckled and got out of bed and returned a minute later with a glass of water. I took the water and drank about half the glass before setting it down on my nightstand. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on sleep but the fear of the upcoming day and having to spend so much time away from Daddy wouldn't leave me alone. I was tossing and turning and I pretty much knew I wasn't gonna be able to sleep. I was so excited and my anxiety is never usually this bad but for some reason I can't get over this fear. I felt daddys hands wrap around my waist and him pull me close. "I know you're nervous about tomorrow baby." He said "But you're going to do amazing and everyone is gonna love you"
I smiled at his comforting words.
"And Daddys right here I'll always be right here for you baby" he said "you are the smartest baby I've ever known and I believe in you I know you're gonna succeed and I'm here to support you every step of the way" I turned around to face him "thank you daddy you are the sweetest bestest daddy I've ever know you make me so happy" I leaned in and gave him a kiss he kissed me back so deeply and passionately. We whispered I love yous and sweet nothings until eventually I ended up passing out on his chest.

Aaaaa it's been so long and I know its getting cheesier but I love it and honestly this was slightly a filler chapter but they are my favorite to write I know it might be annoying but my favorite thing to do is just write small details throughout a day that most authors might leave out I love it and I'm so happy to be writing again

Your emo bitch 🖤

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