Time wif daddy

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"Princess wake up" I opened my eyes to see daddy standing there " Good morning beautiful how was your nap?"
"Good"I said.
"Great darling now let's go dinner is all done." He said lifting me out of the crib. I ran into the dining room pretending to fly like and airplane. I sat down at the table waiting for my food. " ok princess I have another surprise for you it came in the mail while you were sleeping." (Deez nutz sorry I had to...) he stepped out of the room for a minute and came back with a high chair. It was white and pastel blue it matched my crib. " Your the best daddy ever" I said running over and looking at it. He lifted me up and put me on the seat. My feet didn't reach the floor which made me fell extra small. Daddy walked over and gave me my plate of noodles with extra cheese on my plate that Moana on it. I started eating I was so hungry.
"Do you like the highchair princess?" He asked.
"Yes daddy it's perfect." I said continuing to eat. After a few minutes I was all done. " I'm all done daddy." I said.
"That was quick princess you must of been hungry." He said.
"I was" I said. Daddy took me out of my high chair and sat me on the couch. "Wanna watch cartoons?" Daddy suggested.
"Yes let's watch spongebob!" I said.
"Ok anything for you." He said putting spongebob on. "Daddy can I have some juice?" I asked.
"Of course you can little one." He said getting up. He returned with a sippy full of peach juice and a bowl of white cheddar popcorn "Tank you dada" I said taking it and taking a huge drink. He set the bowl in between us on the couch. We shared the popcorn and watched spongebob for a long time. Half way through I cuddled up on daddy's lap and he put a blankie on me and after awhile I fell asleep on his chest.

Ok that was short I just thought it was kinda cute and I'm bored. Also it's 2am currently and I have to get up and fucking 7 I should've been asleep hours ago so goodnight I love you all.

Your emo bitch

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