Road trip part 2

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"Princess, wake up" i felt a gentle shake and i opened my eyes to see daddy looking down at me. " Goodmorning beautiful" he said "its trip day"
"Really?" I asked eith excitement.
"Yep, and were leaving in an hour so wake up and get ready" i shook my head in response rolling over to lay on him. I was so excited for this trip i only have a couple of weeks before the school year started and this trip wad great to spend time with daddy rigbt before. "Princess we can't cuddle all day, we have to get ready" he said. "Ugh fine daddy" I said sitting up so i was straddling him stomach. I yawned and stretched my arms. Before getting off the bed and going to the bathroom. Afterwards i got dressed and I just wore a onesie and nothing else cause we'd just be in the RV for hours. I went into the living room with a paci in my mouth blanket in hand and layed down wrapping myself  up and hoping to get a bit more sleep the rv was all ready for us downstairs packed full of our stuff. I think i fell asleep but then daddy said "Have you gone potty yet princess?"
"Yes daddy I have" i said.
" Good girl, i'll put a dip on you later before you take a nap" he said. I just nodded ok in response.
He then picked me and my backpack up and with that we were off he locked the door than carried me downstairs to the rv strapping me in then he climbed into the drivers seat. "Want Mcdonald's for breakfast baby?" He asked.
"Mhm" i said excitedly. Then we set off we went through the drive thru at Mcdonald's. I got an sausage mcmuffin with no cheese a hashbrown and milk. Then daddy pulled over in the parking lot so he could put my milk in my sippy for me. I started eating then we were back at it again and on the highway within a few minutes. After i finally finished my food, I told daddy i was gonna try to nap a little. He said ok and he'd wake me up when we were at a rest stop.
Skip till after nap~
Daddy woke me up when we were at a stop i got out leaving my paci in my seat so i could stretch my legs. Then we got back in the Rv and he put a dip on me so we wont have to stop for me to pee anytime soon. I got buckled back in my seat and daddy gave me my sippy with juice. "We'll have lunch in a bit but here's a snack" he said.
"Thankies Daddy!" I said eating my fruit snacks. We set off again then it was like an hour we had just been jamming out and stuff and daddy pulled off onto a dirt road. I was confused but I trust him. We drove off awhile and he pulled over and when i looked i saw it was a huge waterfall. "Wow!" I said.
"Its pretty huh?" He said.
"Were gonna have a picnic here." He said " and see no one's here so its just baby and daddy to eat and play for awhile" i was so excited we got out he spread a blanket out for us to eat on. We ate sandwichs and chips and i had juice. We were eating then when i got full i layed in daddys lap while he finished eating. Then i sat up in his lap laying my head on his shoulder looking deep into his eyes "Thanks for planning all this Colbs" i said.
"What did you just call me?" I giggled
"I just wanted to sincerly tell you thanks and how much I love you"
" I love you too baby and it was my pleasure, now no more of this colby stuff" he said with a smile. I smiled back at him just thinking how lucky i am to have found someone who cares this much for me. I gave him a kiss then i palmed him a little. "Hey we still have a lot of trip left. I need to be driving"
"Ugh fine" i said then we packed up and got in the Rv but before we could leave he face fucked me cause i was teasing. Then we left off on the road again me passing out quick as i was now exhausted.

Ok finally im updating im really gonna try but no promises. I hope this was decent. Only one more part to the roadtrip part then ill reveal the destination. But plz guess below. I want to hear your ideas.

Your emo bitch

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