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I woke up in my crib. I then remembered the events of last night and became super happy. My paci was lying next to me in my crib so I picked it up and put it in my mouth. I then started wondering where Colby was. I got out of my crib and went looking for him. "Daddy where are you?" I said walking through out my apartment. I didn't see him I then entered the kitchen, to see a note on the counter that read.
Dear princess,
Daddy has a few things to do today, but I'll be back in a few hours. I want you to be a good little girl and take really good care of yourself while I'm gone.
Love, daddy
I was a little sad that it was my first day of him being my daddy and I wouldn't get to see him a lot. I decided to go play in my room until he got home.

Time skip~
It had been awhile and daddy still wasn't back so I decided to be a big girl and pick out my own clothes. I got up and decided to put on my black onzie that has a red stripe on the tummy and my matching red and black binkie. I went into the kitchen but I couldn't decide what I wanted for lunch. So I got out my phone and postmated chic-fil-a. I love the chicken nuggies from there. I went back into my room and found my knee high black kitty socks. I then heard the door bell ring so I took my paci out and went to check it. It was the postmates guy. "Hi, thank you so much" I said as he handed me my food.
"Your welcome, wait a minute are you a little?" He asked. I started getting kinda shy cause I didn't want him to judge me. "Uh ya" I said.
"Hey that's so cool well anyway I have to get back to work but do you think maybe I could just give you my number and we could talk sometime. Just as friends but I really am intrigued by the whole ddlg thing and. I want to know more." He said.
"Sure" I said. He then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and scribbled something down onto it and handed it to me. "Bye" I said as I waved goodbye.
"Bye little one" he said walking away. That made me happy I'm always scared that people are gonna judge me. I went into the kitchen and sent the piece of paper with his number on it next to my note from daddy. I then sat on the counter and ate my food. I took out my phone and sent some silly snaps of myself eating to daddy. I set my phone down and finished me food. By the time I was done daddy had responded with a silly face saying he was on his way back. I was so happy I couldn't wait to see daddy. I cleaned up and went back into my room and started playing with my toys again. I started getting really sleepy, and before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep right there while playing with my toys. I was awoken to daddy laughing.  I looked up to see him taking a picture of me asleep. "Morning princess!" He said.
"Morning daddy"
I replied making grabby hands for him to pick me up. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and layed my head onto his chest. "I missed you daddy." I said.
"I missed you too baby girl"he said "but now I'm back for the rest of the day and I brought and over night bag so what do you want to do?"
"I'm thirsty I want juice" I said.
"Ok grab your sippy from over there and we'll go get you some juice" he said setting me down. I crawled over to my sippy and picked it up and crawled back over to daddy. He picked me up wan he walked into the kitchen. He set me on the counter while he filled my cup with apple juice. "Here you go baby" he said handing my sippy.
"Thank you daddy." I said taking my sippy and taking a big drink from it. "Your welcome princess"He said as he walked over across the kitchen. "Princess?"
"Yes daddy"
"What's this?" He asked holding up the piece of paper with the postmates dudes phone number on it.
"Oh the guy who brought me chic-fil-a gave me his number." I said.
"Why is that?" He asked walking over to me and standing right in between my legs.
"Because he was interested in ddlg and he wanted to talk about it with me." I said.
"Princess your so naive" he said pushing a piece of hair out of my face"that guy just wanted to steal you away from me and be your daddy."
"Oh" I said "I won't let that happen daddy"
"Good princess" he said kissing me. He kissed down my neck I let out a soft moan. "You like that princess"
He asked.
"Yes" I said. He slowly trailed his hand down to my princess parts rubbing me slowly. "What's my name?" He asked.
"Daddy" I moaned.
"What baby girl speak clearer?" He said.
"Daddy" I barely moaned out. He put his head down and slowly kissed my princess parts through my onesie. (Just realized I've been spelling onesie wrong this whole time but I'm to lazy to go and fix it maybe later 😂)
"Fuck" I used a no no word.
"Baby that's a bad word" daddy warned pulling his head away making me whimper. "I'm sorry daddy it just feels so good." I said trying to touch myself.
"Oh princess your so naughty, first you use a bad word than you try and touch what's daddy's" he said.
"I'm sorry daddy" I said.
"I think I need to teach you a lesson little girl." He said.

OOF! That was a fucking chapter. (I told you I would make my chapters longer)  I'm proud of this one.

Your emo bitch🖤

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