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"Babygirl you need to go to sleep or Santa wont come" daddy warned me. I was running around our room in my diaper "no daddy" I said swinging my stuffie around.
"I guess you don't want Santa to bring you presents" he said. I kept running and I tried to jump up onto the couch daddy reached his arm out and caught me "haha got ya" he said.
"Fine" i huffed.  He put me in a onesie. Clipped my paci to it and put the paci in my mouth.
"Now you gonna go to sleep like a good little girl?" he asked.
"Yes daddy but pease cuddle me" I said. He got up turned the light off and we curled up in bed and I fell asleep really quickly.
Xmas morning~
I woke up and I looked over at the little tree me and daddy had set up in our room. There was a bunch of presents underneath. "Daddy daddy wake up" I said jumping on him "Santa came!" I said.
"Princess it's so early" he groaned from the impact.
"But we need to open presents don't you wanna see what I bought you?" I said.
"No I wanna see your reaction to what I and Santa got you" he said finally sitting up. I ran over to the tree admiring all the gifts in sparkly paper in an assortment of colors. "Why don't you open your stocking first?" He said taking it off the wall and handing it to me. It had Winnie the pooh charectors on it. Daddy sat in front of me he had the camera set up to record my reaction. "Here daddy get your stocking too" I said pointing up.
"You got me a stocking too? You didn't have to do that baby."
"I didn't it was Santa" I said. He smiled at me. I pulled out the first package it was small and square.
I opened it up to see a brand new paci it was red and white stripped. And it  had two candy canes crossed over the top. It was really sparkly it was fully beaded. "Omg daddy this is amazing" I said taking it out of the box and popping it in my mouth. "Glad you like it princess"
We continued opening up our stockings for about 10 minutes. I got another paci it was plain lavender color. I got a little stuffie that was also a squishy, A bunch of candy, a brand new bottle, and a bunch more candy. "Thank you daddy I wove everything" I said tackling him in a big hug I took my paci out and gave him a big kiss. I  held it for a  minute till he pulled it away "wait princess you still have more presents to open" he said.
"Oh ya I forgot" I said giggling "can I still sit in your lap?"
"of course you can" he said reaching over and handing me a present. I ripped open the paper and   It was a little net thingy you hang up to put your stuffies in. "Oh wow this is awesome" I said.
"Glad you like it" he said.
"Now you open one from me" I said grabbing one I bought him. He tore away the paper and it revealed a black lil peep hoodie. "Omg princess I love it" he said hugging me. "Ok this one next" he said handed me a present with pretty pink paper and a red bow. I ripped off the paper and it was just a blank box. I opened it up revealing a black collar with a pendent that said daddys little girl and matching leash. "You like it?" He asked.
"Yes can it put it on?" I asked.
"Of course" he said grabbing it and helping me put it on the leash dangled to the ground. "Aww you look so cute kitten" he said.
We continued opening presents taking our time it taking us about a half an hour.
"Ok last one it's the big one" he said dragging it over to me. I pulled all the sparkly holo paper off it was a  wooden case the top said Princess's paci collection. I opened it up and it was a storage case for my pacis.
"Omg this is awesome!"I practically screamed.
"I made it" he said "just for you."
"Really you made it?" I asked.
"Yup" he said i hugged him and kissing him again. He got up and turned off the camera.
"So did I do ok?" He asked.
"Omg everything is perfect" I said "we just need to get our house and I'll have the coolest nursery ever!"
"Soon baby I promise I'm working on it" he said.
"Oh daddy I wasn't it meaning like that I m just excited to have more space like we use to."I said i could tell he got a little sad like i was disappointed in him or something.
"Daddy I'm sowy if I made yous sad" I said.
"No you didn't make me sad princess I just feel bad cause I took your nursery and your space away from you" he said.
"No daddy is Otay I love this and it will be worth it when we have our own house" I said "I wanna cheer you up it's Christmas you can't be sad"
"I'm not sad princess I promise"
"Are you sure you don't need some cheering up daddy?" I said rubbing him through his grey joggers.
"Princess people are home" he said
"Guess you'll have to be quiet daddy" I said rubbing him more. He pulled my leash I forgot I was wearing.
"I do want you so bad but I can't with all the roommates home" he said.
"Only person home is Jake" I said.
"Still" he said.
"Okay daddy" I said pretending to give up "Well since we are going over to Kat's apartment for lunch I better get ready"  I said grabbing my clothes out of the closet "I'm gonna go shower"
I walked into the bathroom and made sure to lock it so daddy wouldn't sneak in. I took a super speedy shower. Then when I got out I slipped on a pair of fishnets a black  Calvin Klein sports bra, with matching panties and my leash. Then I walked from the bathroom back to our room.  I opened the door " I was saving this for tonight but..." I said.
"Princess get in here close that door do you want Jake to see you?"
"Maybe I do.. JAAAKKEE" I yelled.
"Yes Hannah?" He called from his room
"I just wanted to say merry Christmas" I said skipping off to his room.
"Kitten what do you think your doing?"I heard daddy call after me.
I slightly cracked Jake's door "wanna see one thing daddy got me for Christmas?" I asked.
"Uh.. sure" he said.
I opened the door all the way revealing my little outfit. "It's this really pretty colar and leash and you see this little thing right here it says daddy's little girl" I said stepping closer to him he was on his bed. I could here daddy's raging footsteps behind me the whole time. "Very cute" he said his eyes wandering then he caught himself and looked back up. I could feel daddy right behind me.
"C'mon baby what are you doing?" He asked grabbing my arm.
"Just talking to Jake" I said then I could feel myself being dragged out of the room, and back to our room.
"That was very naughty" he said.
"I didn't do anything" I pouted.
"You are daddy's and only daddy's and I don't want anyone else seeing my precious little girl" he said pushing me up against a wall "I'm gonna punish you for that it was very naughty" I blushed.
"You need to be spanked" he said.
I huffed "I didnt do anything" I repeated.
"You know exactly what you did now come on" he said pulling my leash. He sat on the couch he pointed for me to bed over his knee I did so. After 10 spanks he rubbed my red butt. "Now princess you made daddy really hard so your gonna have to fix it" he said.

Time skip~~
After I finished daddy patted my head "Such a good little girl" he said pulling me into his lap.
"Now we go see Kat? I cant wait to give her the present I got her"
"Of course but you need to get dressed and clean up" he said.
"Oh ya"I said forgetting he had came all over my face. I got up and walked to the bathroom Jake was walking by I waved at him and giggled. "Uh.." he said i  kept walking till I reached the bathroom I cleaned off my face. "Daddy I need help getting dressed"I said walking back into our room.
"C'mer little one let daddy get you dressed" he said. I waddled over to him. After I was dressed daddy told me to play with my new toys while he got ready and talked to Jake.
(Also I wanna add in this story Jake is a daddy dom as well so Hannah being little and stuff doesnt make him uncomfortable at all)

Ok so I know I'm almost a week late but hey I did it I didn't do as much as I was hoping but any later and it would be to late I mean it's already to late. That was that I geuss. Comment Watermelon on this chapter if you read this far.

Your emo bitch♥

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