Home alone

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I didn't have work today because it's Saturday. But sadly Colby wasn't coming over for a few more hours. But I was still feeling really smol so I put on a little outfit and played with my toys for a while before I started getting hungry. I got into the kitchen but there was no food i wanted but I did end  up finding an Apple sauce. I ate it while watching cartoons. Then I got a really good idea I remembered that daddy had bought candy for Halloween and there was still some left over. So I sneakily went into the kitchen. It was up really high so I stood on the counter and reached up really high and I almost got it I boosted myself up onto my tippytoes trying to reach it. Then before I know it I fell down and crash onto the ground landing on my arm. I started crying immediately my arm hurts so bad. I heard daddy come through the front door. "Daddy help" I cried. He then came running into the kitchen. "Princess what happened?" He said scooping me up off the floor. " I fell off the counter my arm hurts weally bad now." I said.
"Do you need to go to the doctor?" He asked.
" I fink so daddy." I said still crying alot.
" ok well let's go pack you a diaper bag luckily I know a doctor for littles." He said walking into my nursery and setting me down on my changing table then putting a paci in my mouth. He then grabbed my diaper bag and  put in some diapers, wipes, an extra paci, a few toys,  a change of clothes just in case,  and a bottle.
"Before we go daddy can I get my sippy full of juice?" I asked through my paci.
"Of course little one" he said putting the diaper bag on his shoulder than picking me up walking back into the kitchen grabbing my sippy filling it up handing it to me and rushing out the door. " well princess this was gonna be a surprise but I got you a...." he said stepping up to his car revealing a pink and black car seat strapped into the front seat. " weally? For me dada?" I asked.
"Yes just for you my princess." He said opening the door and strapping me into it.
Ok guys that was the next chapter I'm having so much fun writing this❤❤ I hope you enjoyed next chapter will be up soon. I love you all so much.

Your emo bitch💙

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