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I was sitting on the couch wearing a baby blue onesie with white trim a pink skater skirt and white thigh highs that had little pink bows on them. My hair was done up in pigtails with matching pink bows. I wanted to look my best for Daddy he has been gone all day and I was waiting for him while I watched cartoons mindlessly sucking on my favorite Lavendar paci he had gotten me for xmas. I cuddled my bear daddy got me cause it smelled like him and it made me happy. After awhile I heard keys at the door and I ran over to the door. The door slowly opened revealing my daddy. I ran up and jumped onto him "DADDY!" I said "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too princess" he said hugging me then walking fully inside and closing the door. I stood there and looked up at him "Do you like my outfit Daddy?" I asked.
"I love it princess you look perfect" he said kissing my cheek "just missing one thing"
"What?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. 

"kneel" He commanded pointing at floor infront of him. I felt a chill down my spine as I dropped to my knees before his dominate figure. "Good girl" He said caressing my cheek. Then he walked over to the bed reaching under he pulled out a small pink box. He walked back over to me, "Daddy got you a something very special" He said. He opened it but I couldn't see what was inside. He reached in and pulled out (the collar above but without the spikes) "Now baby daddy is gonna put this collar on you and you can't take it off unless daddy says. Understand?"
"Yes Daddy" I answered. He then put the collar around my neck tight but not to tight. He reached back into the box and pulled out a key. "Only Daddy gets to take this off of you. This collar shows that Daddy owns you. Ok?"
"Yes Daddy" I said slipping deeper into subspace.
"Such a good girl for Daddy" he said rubbing my cheek again. I smiled up at him. Then he walked over to the bed and sat down, motioning for me to come over to him. I walked over to him and stood infront looking deep in his eyes. "Thank you Daddy" I said. He smiled at me "Of course baby" He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. He kissed me slowly and passionately.

Time skip~

Me and Daddy had a great night together and after I fell asleep pretty quick. It was now 1am and I woke up I don't know why. But daddy was asleep and I couldn't fall back asleep. I slowly wiggled out of Daddy's grip, and I walked out into the kitchen. I got a glass of water and sat on the couch. I needed to lay back down but I didn't want to I wanted to watch tv. I grabbed the remote and flipped on the tv it was playing the news. I watched it for awhile then I heard a noise and I looked over and saw Daddy standing in the door frame of our bedroom watching me. "Hi" I said. "Hey baby why don't you come back to bed?" he asked.

"Ok" I said I clicked off the TV but didn't wanna get up so I just looked at him and after a sec he got what I was hinting at and came and picked me up and brought me to bed.


Ok sorry that wasn't the best but I'm trying my life is super hectic and stressful rn so I haven'e had to much time to write. also sorry this was a short one I'll try harder next time. Idk what else to put here I love y'all. 


your emo bitch 

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