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It's been awhile since the whole incident with Sam. Colby doesn't want to see him so he just stays with me and only goes back when he needs clothes or something. "Princess" daddy called from the living room. I was in my room playing with toys I got up and ran to him jumping in his lap. "Yes daddy?" I said.
"I need to talk to you about something" he said i just nodded my head. "So you hate work right?" He asked.
"Ya it's the worst" I said.
"Would you like to quit?" He asked.
"Omg that would be the best ever but I have to have money" I said.
"Well I think I have a plan" he said "So I want for us to buy a house together."
"That sounds awesome but isn't it expensive shouldn't I work too so we can afford it?" I asked.
"Well my plan is that since your lease here is up next month, we can move into the house with the guys and if i work at the same pace for about 3 months I should save up enough to put down a deposit and we can get a loan for the rest"
"But wouldn't it be better if I kept working so we could have more money" I asked starting to slip out of little space.
"No I figured out the perfect plan and this way your happier not having to work, and then we won't have the bill of this apartment as well while we are trying to save up" he said.
"Are you sure? Cause I can work" I said.
"Yes princess it's final. Now do you want to go celebrate with Ice cream?" He asked trying to slip me back into little space.
"Ill feel bad tho" i said he just gave me a serious look "Ok fine but one more thing you need to work things out with sam asap. I cant live in that house with all the tention between you two"
"Ok deal" he said then he immediately started ticking me knowing one of my little space triggers. I just giggled and fell over. "How about me go get ice cream?" He said again.
"Otay"I said.
"Why don't you be a big girl and get your shoes on?"he asked.
"Ok" I said getting up to go find my shoes.

I know short chapter I'm sorry but it was fun and it contributed to the story for the next few chapters.

Your emo bitch♥

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