Never leave me please

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I woke in my crib it was really dark with just my nightlight glowing. My arm was in pain I started crying. "Daddy" I said. With in. A few seconds daddy came right in turning the light on. "What's wrong princess?" He asked.
"My arm huwts weally bad" I said.
"Oh baby do you need medicine?" He asked.
" Yes daddy" I said.
"Ok let's go" he said picking me up and taking me into the kitchen. He sat me on the counter it was so cold. Cause I was just wearing a diaper and a t-shirt. "Here you go baby" daddy said handing me the medicine.
"Tank you dada." I said drinking it "ew" it was so nasty. Daddy immediately handing  my sippy.
"Does baby need a diaper change too?" He asked.
"I fink so." I said he picked  up off the counter and carried me into the nursery he layed me down on the changing table and I just drank my juice while he put a dry dipey on me. When he was finished he picked me up again "I go sweep wif you now?" I asked.
"Sure baby" he said setting my sippy down and handing me my paci. We went and layed down in the big girl bed I cuddled up next to daddy and fell asleep right away.
Skip to next day~~
Omg work fucking sucks. My arm is killing me I just want to go home I miss Colby. It was finally time to leave I didn't want to have to drive home. I was just praying Colby was waiting for me back at the apartment. I got home opened the door. "Colby?" I called nothing fuck he's not home. I went into the kitchen to get some water then I went and got in the shower. Making sure to wrap up my cast first. I was washing up in the shower when I got really sad. Colbys not here what if he never comes back. I've been being so needy lately with my broken arm I feel like I'm wearing him down. I started crying. I got out of the shower. I was becoming kinda depressed thinking about how needy I had been and how Colby must be tired of me or at least little me. I put on my regular pajama's not my little ones. I curled up in bed I was rethinking the past week since I broke my arm. I started crying the more I thought about it and eventually drifted off to sleep. "Hannah wake up" I heard Colby say. I stayed still "I'm to tired." I layed there trying to hide my face knowing I had tear stains on my face. "Come on princess sit up" he said trying to turn me to face him. I tugged keeping my back facing him. He used all his strength to pick me up and set  on his lap I tried covering my face with my hands but it was no use he already knew.
"Oh baby what were you crying about?" He asked.
"Umm I don't know" I said.
"Dont lie to daddy that's naughty." He said.
" Please no little talk I'm big now and I don't want to be little right now."
"Ok I'm sorry but babe please tell me what's wrong?" He said.
"I just thought maybe I was being to needy. I keep waking you up late because of my arm and I thought maybe I overwhelmed you or I was being annoying." I said.
"Oh baby your not annoying your the best little girl. I understand you haven't been able to do much with your arm and I'm here to help." He said.
"Promise?" I asked.
"Pinky promise" he said kissing my forehead. I layed my head onhis shoulder.
"Are you sleepy?" He asked.
"Yes" I said.
"Why don't we cuddle up and take a nap?" He asked.
"Yes please" I said. We both curled up under the covers. I drifted off fast feeling reassured. When I woke up it was dark outside and daddy was still asleep so I decide to play with him. I straddled his lap slightly rubbing my butt on him. "Daddy wake up" I whispered in his ear. I could feel him growing hard underneath me. I kissed him still trying to get him to wake up. He woke up finally "princess what are you doing?" He asked.
"Nuffin Dada" I said still rubbing up against him. "Baby don't be a tease" he scolded. "I don't know what you mean" I said playing dumb. He took control flipping us over and slowing rubbing my clit with his now very hard cock. I moaned loudly.
" see little one you don't tease daddy" he said. He stopped making my whimper. Then he resumed but this time slipping his hands in my pants. "Please daddy" I moaned out.
"Please what baby? Tell daddy what you want..." he said.
"Please just fuck me already" I moaned. He slipped my pants off to reveal that I wasn't wearing any underwear. "Naughty naughty girl" he said. Then he leaned down licking my clit teasingly. I kept moaning as he slipped two fingers into me. "Please daddy I need you right now" I said.
"As you wish my princess" he said he pulled down his underwear (He slept in them with no pants) and rammed into me hard. I moaned louder than before "He quiet baby we are in apartments we have neighbours." He said then he pulled out and then thrusted into me hard and faster than before. "But daddy your not being fair." I complained trying to hold back the moans. "Dont argue princess or daddy won't give you cummies" he warned bringing his hand to my throat squeezing a little as he continued to pound into me. "Fuck" he groaned  into my ear. I could feel it coming and he knew it too. "Go ahead you've been a good girl cum for daddy." His words pushing me over and I came. He pulled out and I went down and began sucking on him. He groaned "oh fuck just like that baby girl." I kept going quickening my speed I felt his tip twitch. Then he came down my throat I swallowed every last drop. "You did such a good job princess" he said. It was our first time sleeping together. I mean neither of us were virgins but we had never actually had sex with each other. He handed me my paci "Want a sweet?" He said offering me a reward.
"Yes daddy!" I said.

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