Making up

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Colby POV:
I have to keep my promise to Hannah and go work things out with Sam. I don't want to cause I'm still so mad at him but I know it's what's best. I arrive at the trap house and go inside. It had been arranged so that Sam was the only one home with the exception of Jake upstairs in case things got out of hand. I came in Sam was sitting on the couch on his phone. "Hey Sam" I said.
"Oh hey Colby" he said setting his phone down next to him. I sat next to him on the couch.
"We need to figure all this shit out" I said.
"I know and look I'm sorry for trying to kiss Hannah. I don't know why I did we were just having a great conversation and I just kinda don't know what happened." He said. I was so angry and didn't know what to say "what does Kat think of all of this?" I asked him.
"She was a little upset at first but we smoothed things over in the end." He said.
"Listen Sam I love you I really do it's just so hard when you go and do something like this I love Hannah she is my everything I don't know what I'd do without her" I said.
"I know Colby and a really am so sorry I have no excuse I just fucked up" he said.
Time skip~~
We talked for about an hour and finally worked everything out. "How would you and Hannah like to come have dinner with me and Kat tonight?" He asked.
"Sounds great to me" I said "but I got to get going home to Hannah now I'll talk to you later bud" I said getting up and leaving. I was so excited to get home and see my baby girl.
Hannah POV:
Daddy had been gone for a long time he was going to smooth things over with Sam but I just wanted him home with me. Once I  finally heard him arrive home I ran to greet him at the front door. I jumped and he caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist."Your finally home daddy!" I said laying my head on his chest.
"Yes kitten I'm sorry it took me so long." He said.
"Daddy can we cuddle up and take a nap I is tired" I asked.
"Of course but I told Sam me and you would go have dinner with him and Kat tonight. Are you ok with that?" He asked.
"As long as we cuddle and nap first I would love to" I said.
"Deal" he agreed and then we went and daddy set me on the bed he took off his shoes and stripped to his boxers and crawled in bed next to me. He wrapped his big arms tightly around me I layed my head on his chest and fell asleep quickly.
"Baby wake up it's time get ready" I heard a voice say it was daddy. I opened my eyes to see him still lying in bed next to me. "I no want to dada" I said snuggling up next to him.
"Let's get you dressed, you know you get to be little right?" He asked. I forgot we ended up telling the whole house so when we move in it wouldn't be weird. "Otay" I said yawning and sitting up.
"That's my Baby girl" he said hopping out of bed. He walked out of the room. "What do you want to wear princess?" He called from my nursery.
"I dunno daddy" I said sleepily.
"Come in here please" he said.
"Ugh" I said grabbing my stuffie that was sitting next to me I got up and slowly walked to daddy then I plopped down onto him. (He was sitting on the ground). "You pick my clothes daddy I no wanna" I said.
"Ok baby" he said. He picked me up and stood up. He grabbed one of the outfits off the ground. He carried me over to my changing table and got me dressed. It was a onsie that was black with white trim and a blue skater skirt. He also put on a really cute diapy that had rainbows on it. "What socks do you want?" He asked.
"My kitty ones daddy" I said he walked over and grabbed my knee high kitty socks from the closet and put them on me. "Now you be a good baby and go play while I go get myself ready" he said setting me on the ground and leaving the room. I just got out my slime daddy finally let me have it cause I'm big enough to not make a mess. After awhile daddy came back. "Ok baby let's go" he said. I put the lid on my slime "uppies" I said making grabby hands at him. He picked me up "what shoes do you want?"he asked going to the shoe closet.
"Those ones" I said pointing to a pair of black chunky heels that make me feel so smol. He took them slipped them on my feet and tied the little bow on top to secure them to my feet. "Wait right here princess I forgot your diaper bag" he said turning around to go back to the nursery "Grab my paci I forgot it" I yelled after him. He came back popping a cute black deco paci in my mouth. He picked me up and we left.
Skip drive~~
We were having dinner at Kat's apartment that's the only reason I feel comfortable going in little space. Daddy carried me to the door I was still very nervous so I hid my face in daddy's shoulder. "Hey you guys are here! Hannah?" Sam greeted us.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Kat has something she wants to tell you" he said "Kat they are here" then a second later Kat peeked her head around the corner and she had a sparkly christmas deco paci in her mouth and her hair was in pigtails that had cute little red  bows in them. "You is wittle too?" I asked looking over at her. She shook her head yes "would you like to come play wif me?" She asked.
"I would wove it" I said getting excited I looked over at daddy. "Go play and have fun little one" he said kissing my cheek and setting me down. I ran over to her and saw she was wearing a super cute onesie that was blue with snowflakes and a frilly colar. Then we went off into her nursery and she showed  me all of her toys. We were playing for while when "girls time for dinner" ("Caitlyn time for dinner" sorry I had to and if you get that reference ily)  daddy yelled. We both got up and went running.

Ok guys that was a bit longer I hope you liked it. Also I decided to give her a little friend just to mix things up a little. Anyway thanks for reading  I tried really hard on this chapter.

Your emo bitch ♥

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