Road trip

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I ran into Daddy's office where he was studying. "Daddy I'm bored" i said.
"I'm sorry baby I'm almost done with this then we can play" he said.
"Ugh fine" I said plopping down on the ground by his chair and playing with my little airplane I had in my hand vrooming it around and on different parts of his desk and chair.
"Baby you are adorable, and I love you but Daddy has to focus right now" he said "Just give me 5 minutes"
I huffed then walked out of the room and sat on the couch were the news was playing for some reason I didn't see the remote anywhere so I just watched it for a sec while I waited. Ugh all this stuff was so sad no wonder I never watched this stuff. A few minutes later I heard a voice that startled me "Why are you watching this sweetie?" Daddy asked.
"Uh cause I lost the remote" i answered.
"Your not supposed to watch the news you know that. It always scares you and makes you sad." He said.
I looked down at my lap sadly "Sorry Daddy"
"Hey its ok its just that this is grownup stuff, and you dont need to worry about it" He said. I shook my head ok and leaned into him.
"Ok no more sad baby, Can I finally tell you the good news I came out here to tell you?" He asked.
"Mhm" i shook my head excitedly.
" Ok, Daddy planned a suprise road trip for us! And the destination is a secret" he said.
"Really?" I asked excitedly.
"Mhm, and we leave in less than 2 days so we should get packing" he said.
"Yay!" I shrieked. I couldn't wait for what was to come. I tackled daddy kissing him he fell back me ontop of him. "I love you" he said looking deep into my eyes.
"I love you more" i said hugging him tight and laying my head on his chest.
" Well let's get packin" he said sitting up.
"Ok!" I said he got up me still clinging on and he carried me to the bedroom.
"Ok baby start picking some outfits they'll need to last you a week" he told me setting me down by my dresser.
"Ok" i said then opened a drawer that had my onesies in it. I picked one that was white with green dinos all over it, a plain black one that had white trim, my mickey mouse one that had a hood with mickey ears on it. I had been packing for what felt forever and I was getting sleepy. I started falling asleep right there on the ground.

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