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I woke up and saw Daddy still fast asleep, I reached over and grabbed my phone. I checked all my social media's responded to a few friends and then decided to check my email. I was scrolling through, nothing intersting then I see an email from LAU (Don't know if this actully exists but cut me some slack) it's a college I applied for when I first graduated high school but I never heard back from them. I opened the email immediatly curious of what they'd have to say. As my eyes moved back and forth across the screen I began to cry.

Time skip~

Later that day I was sitting on the couch watching Kipper while Daddy finished some work. I really needed to talk to him so I got up leaving my paci and stuff on the couch. I walked into daddy's office he was sitting at his desk editting a video. "Hey babygirl" he said when he noticed me behind him. "Uh hi Daddy" I said " Can we talk?"

"Of course" He said grabbing me and pulling me into his lap " What's up?"

"This something we need to talk about in big space" I said.

"Ok, uh what's going on?" He asked.

"So this morning I got an email" I said " A special email"

"Oh and who was this email from?"

"LAU" I said.

"Oh?" He asked curiously.

"So basically when I first finished High school I applied there and never heard back, well until now. " I informed him.

"And?" He asked.

"I got in! a full ride scholarship actually." I said excited/Nervous

"Omg Princess that's amazing!!" He said.

"Really you think so?" I asked.

"Really, that's awesome. So your gonna go right?"

"I think so I mean as long as your ok with it"

"Are you kidding? Of course you can go that's awesome. I'm so proud of my little baby" I blushed a little at that statement "When do you start?"

"Uh a month or so I think" I said he just smiled at me and gave me a big tight squeeze.

"Why were you nervous to tell daddy that?" He asked.

"Uh i dunno" I said. He just looked at me and smiled "Ok baby go play and then when daddy's done we'll go get ice cream to celebrate"

"Otay daddy" I said smiling at him. Then he set me on the floor and I walked out of the room feeling relieved that conversation went so well. I sat back on the couch and continued what I was watching while I was waiting. I was getting a little impatient and bored. I got up and walked back into the room. " Daddy?" I asked when I stepped in the door.

"Yes princess?" He asked.

"I uh..... I need you" I said.

"aww princess come here" He said opening his arms wide. I walked over and got in his lap stradling him placing my head in the crook of his neck, he began working again. I got comfy and just listened to his heartbeat.


Ok guys heres a little wholesome chapter I'm so excited I got this idea. I have ideas for the next few chapters. I can't wait for y'all to read them. Also heads up things like events and stuff aren't going to be in the same order as they actually happened to Sam and Colby I hope that you can forgive me for that I promise that it will be worth it. cause I have so many ideas but I'll be writing things that have already happened as if they are current events. Anyone I'll quit rambling. Comment "Peaches" down below if you actually read my authors note.


Your emo bitch

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