I didn't do anything

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I finally got my cast off but daddy couldn't come to the doctor with me. I was meeting him at his house afterwards. I arrived and knocked on the door. Sam opened it "Hey come on in" he said.
"Is Colby home?" I asked.
"Not yet but he should be any minute come have a seat it's been awhile since we've chatted" he said.
"Ok" I said we sat down and just started catching up. Then Sam leaned in and kissed me I just froze and then I pushed him off "Sam what the hell?" I said. "Sorry I couldn't help it" he said .
"Wow you can't be alone for 10 minutes" I heard a voice behind me I turned around to see Colby standing there. "Listen Colby I'm sorry it's not what to think" I said running over to him.
"Please just leave" he said. I didn't argue I just left I didn't head back to my apartment I just drove around then my eyes became so flooded with tears I could barely see so I pulled over on the side of the road and just cried for a long time. I finally calmed down and started driving home. I went inside and just went immediately to my bed I couldn't really sleep tho I just layed in bed thinking trying comprehend what just happened. I slowly drifted off after hours. I woke up to banging at the door. I jumped up and looked out the peephole it was Colby. "Hey" I said opening the door and looking down to my feet. "I'm sorry" he said.
"For what?" I asked.
"Over reacting" he said.
"I didn't kiss him" I said.
"I know just seeing you that close to someone else I got jealous I couldn't stand it" he said i just hugged him he picked me up I just wrapped around him I layed my head on his shoulder. He stepped inside and closed the door. I started crying a little bit "what's wrong?" He asked.
"You scared me daddy I didn't think you would forgive me ever" I said.
"Of course I can forgive you, you didn't do anything wrong" he said rubbing my back "your my perfect little princess"

Ok there we go idk it's another short chapter but I think I have an idea for at least the next two chapters.

Your emo bitch

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