Your gonna regret that

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Me and daddy were sitting on the couch I was watching cartoon sucking on my paci and he was doing something on his phone. I noticed him getting uncomfortable "daddy's whas wrong?" I said.
"Nothing baby" he said i knew it wasn't true. I pulled myself into his lap straddling him. Just as I thought he was hard. I grinded down on him "Are you sure daddy?" I asked.
"Fuck"he said in a low groan.
"See daddy I is smart I know you" I said I stopped got off and starting walking away. "Where do you think your going princess?" He asked.
"To play wif my toys" I said innocently.
"No no come back here" he said.
"What if I don't wanna?" I said being bratty on purpose.
"Oh your gonna regret that one kitten" he growled I just giggled. He looked at me with lust in his eyes.i gave in and walked over to him. He grabbed me and pulled me back into his lap. "Someone's in a mood today" he whispered in my ear. I just started grinding down on him. He grabbed my hips and made me hold still. "No more of that I'm in control don't forget it" he said. I could feel myself getting wet. "Understand little girl?" He asked.
"Yes daddy" I said.
"Good girl, now show daddy what that pretty little mouth of yours can do" he said. I nodded and went down onto my knees in front of him I pulled down his pants he lifted up his hips to make it easier for me.  I rubbed him through his boxers "No fucking teasing" he warned. I knew how much trouble I was getting into but I didn't stop. He grabbed my hands "listen to daddy" he said a chill went down my spine. I pulled down his boxers and slowly licked from the tip all the way down his shaft. I came back up and softly sucked the tip. I slowly started putting more of him in my mouth then he grabbed my hair making a ponytail and taking control slowly getting faster till he was literally face fucking me. I gagged a little bit as he hit the back of my throat. "Good job princess keep going" He said as he leaned his head back he then let go of my head giving me full conrtol once again. I kept going slightly slower but still at a fast and steady pace. "Fuck" He groaned under his breath as he came down my throat. "Good girl kitten come up here let daddy reward you" he said. I came back up to his lap he pushed himself still hard lightly against my princess parts through my onesie. I let out a soft moan " Oh you like that kitten?" he asked I just nodded my head "Words please"  "yes daddy" I moaned out as he slowly grinded on my princess parts. "here princess take your paci lay down and daddy's gonna give you a special treat" He said handing me my paci that was sitting next to us on the couch. I obeyed laying down next to him on my back popping my paci in mouth. "Be quiet princess" he warned. Then he slowly went down to my princess parts he kissed them through my onesie. Then he undid the buttons of my onesie and took off my underwear. He started licking me slowly I quietly moaned it being muffled by my paci. Then he ruffly started sucking on my clit. It was hard to hold back the moans as the pleasure became more intense. Then he came up to my face "Ok princess I want to hear you now" He said then he took my paci from my mouth. Then he shoved into my so hard. I moaned so loud he then began thrusting in and out hard. "daddy" I moaned out super loud. "That's right let all the neighbours know whos little slut you are"He said thrusting even harder than before. He kept going at a steady pace then I knew he was getting close too because the thrusts got a little sloppier. "Fuck" He said in a low groan I came fast and I knew he wasn't far behind. He pulled out and I went down and pumped him a few times then he came all over my face. I looked up at him and smiled " Awww little baby looks so cute with my cum all over they're face" he said I just giggled and licked my lips and my finger tips. "Fuck your really don't wanna be able to walk tomorrow huh?" He asked I just giggled.


Ok that was that I guess. So if you didn't see I lost my phone so half of this was written on my computer. Sorry I will be searching reletlessy hopefully I find it soon.


Your emo bitch

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