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I was sitting on the ground playing with my toys when daddy came in the room. "Princess?" He said.
"Yes daddy" I responded.
"We are gonna go look at houses and apartments today." He said "I've been looking around alot and I found a few nice ones to look at"
"Yay!"I said.
"Also we are going through a ddlg/age regression agency. They sell homes and help design nurseries for little babies like you. So you can be little if you want to" he said.
"Yay!" I said.
"There is one house that isn't through that agency so you can go but you dont have to" he said.
"I can not be in little space for one house it's fine" I said.
"Okay get ready to go" he said. I decided to wear something neutral so it wasn't necessarily little just cute. It was a onesie and a pair of spandex shorts and it just looked like a shirt not a onesie. I played until daddy was ready. "C'mon baby time to go" daddy said coming over to me. I made  grabby hands and giggled at him. He picked me up. "I packed this full of stuff in case you get bored" he said pointing to my diaper bag which was on his shoulder. "Otay" I said kissing him on the cheek and giggled.
Time skip~
We looked at about 3 places and i was getting bored. "Dada i so bored" i said when we were in the car driving to the next house.
"Listen princess this is the last house then we can get food" he said.
"Otay i so hungy" i said.
"I know baby, also after that we have to stop at the store and pick up a few things" he said "and if your good you can pick out something special"
"YAY!" I said super excited.
Time skip~
Finaly after what felt like forever we left that house and we were going to get lunch. "What do you want for lunch?" Daddy asked as we pulled  away from the last house.  

"Mac and cheese!" I said excitedly. 

"How about I'll get some at the store and we can have that for dinner, and for lunch we can have some nuggets" he suggested.

"Otay" I said giggling a little. Then I went back to playing with my toys I had out. I had my rabbit stuffie named hopper and I also had a rattle and I was sucking on my paci. I kept shaking the rattle and it was making me giggle so hard I love the sound it makes. 
Colby's POV:
We finally left the last open house and we were going to get lunch. I look over at Hannah she looked so deep in baby space and it was the cutest thing ever. She was playing with a rattle and giggling her head off through her paci. I'm just excited to move her out of the trap house because I know how much having her space will mean to her. I kept looking over at her because she was so cute but i had to keep my eyes on the road. I pulled into the Burger king drive way "So baby you want nuggies?" I ask looking at the menu.
"Yes daddy I wants dos ones" she says pointing to the spicy chicken nuggets.
"But princess you don't usually like spicy things" i said.
"Yes dada i wove spicy stuff!" She said.
There was no way I could say no she was just cute. "Do you want a Cherry slurpee too?" I asked. She nodded giggling. I ordered an order of the spicy nuggets, ranch to dip and a slurpee I just got a burger and fries. We finally got our food and we headed home to eat. I pulled into the driveway and we went inside I spread a blanket out in our room for her to eat on and i put her food on a special plate for her. "Yay tankies daddy" she said.
"Of course my perfect little princess" I said sitting next to her. She started eating and the nuggets didn't seem to spicy for her. "Are the nuggies to spicy?" I asked. She shook her head no "Dey is spicy but its nummy" she said.
"Ok princess" we continued eating. She was so cute just everything about her is perfect. "Daddy?"she asked awakening me from me daze. "Yes baby"
"Can i has some of you fries?" She asked.
"Hmm i dont know how many nuggies did you eat?"
"I had 4 dada but i neeed fries" she pouted.
"I dunno little one" i said.
Hannah POV:
Daddy wouldn't give me some of his fries. "Pleeeeeaaase daddy" i begged more. He didn't answer he just kept eating his food. "Oh my god these fries are so yummy!" He said.
"Daddy gimme some" I whined. Then i got an idea he wasn't looking so i reached over to steal some fries. "Oh no baby" daddy said dramatically as i started eating his fries. "Wow daddy your right these are sooo nummy!" I said " Plz I have more??"
"Fine" he said giving laughing a little and putting some fries on my plate. I giggled as i kept eating. "Thankis daddy" i said smiling at him.
"Of course my beautiful angel" he cooed kissing me on the forehead.
"Oh no princess we forgot to go to the store" he said.
"Uh oh" i said.
"Wanna go tomorrow?" He asked.
"Lets go now so i can get snackies!!" I said.
"Ok fine let's go" he agreed.
"Yay!" I giggled as he picked me up and we headed out.
~time skip after store~
We finalky arrived home and I was looking at all the stuff daddy bought me. He really spoiled me today. "Daddy? Can I pleeeease have a pack of gushers now?" I asked.
"No baby after dinner" he said.
"But i needs one now" i said.
"No baby you'll get a tummy ache" he said. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I won't tollerate that bratiness little one" he warned. Oh no it was punishment time for sure.

Ok I'm leaving this chapter here since here since I haven't posted in so long... also totally thought i posted this the other night so i got super high thinking i had finished it but i actually never posted it but i cant write while high so sorry guys. But its here now❤❤

Your emo bitch ♥

Word count: 1089

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