Why didn't you tell me?

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I finally had time to myself. I love hanging out with Colby but I can't do little space around him. I walked into my little room and finally being happy again. I wanted to really get into the zone so I put a onzie on and put my favorite paci in my mouth. I laid on my stomach and started coloring in my coloring book. I got lost in little space when I was awakened by someone saying my name behind me "Hannah?"
It was Colby oh shit. I spit my binkie out and turned around to look at him standing in the door way. "Hey Colby what are you doing back?" I asked trying to play it off. "I came back for my phone charger. But more importantly why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"Why didn't I tell you what?" I asked.
"That your a little." He said. 
"Because I was scared I didn't know what you would think of me."I explained.
"But Hannah you know I'm not a judgemental person at all, and even if I wasn't into this stuff I would support you no matter what." He said walking over and sitting next to me. "I'm sorry I should of told you." I said hugging him.
"It's fine." He said pulling me into his lap. I layer my head onto his chest "wait you said if you weren't, does that mean you are?" I asked.
"I am what?" He asked.
"Ddlg" I responded.
"Oh ya I am." He said.
"So you get all upset with me but you didn't tell me either." I said.
"I mean I didn't tell you for the same reason. I was just nervous." He said. We sat there in silence for a moment when all the sudden we both leaned in and he kissed me I was a little shocked but then I kissed him back. He pulled away "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He said.
"Me too" I said before reconnecting our lips.
"So Will you be my little girl?" He asked. I got super happy inside.
"Yes of course!" I said super happy

OOF another short chapter. Hopefully this story will start picking up momentum. I've been having some weird ass writers block lately. But I didn't lie when I said there would be more ddlg not much more but more than before.

Your emo bitch 🖤

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