Almost there

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We are close to the suprise destination but we pulled over to take a nap so Daddy didn't fall asleep driving. I had slept most the drive but I was enjoying just being in his arms. I  started feeling kind of needy, but i didn't wanna get in trouble for touching. But I had an idea, I grabbed Daddy's hand and moved it between by legs. I paused to be sure he was asleep. Then I started grinding down against his hand it felt so good I love the way his hands feel. I couldn't help but moan a little but I tried my best to keep quiet. But I was definetly whimpering a bit. Then I felt another hand on my throat. "What do you think your doing baby?" Daddy's voice said. "Oh um hi daddy..." I said.
"Answer me princess" he said sternly.
" I just love the way daddy's hands feel, and I'm not aloud to touch myself..." I tried explaining.
"No baby, that's naughty and I feel like baby needs a punishment"
"No Daddy please. I'll be good" I pleaded. He thought for a minute.
"I'll let it slip for now. But that doesn't mean I won't punish you later when we get there" he said. I nodded to show I understood. Then he got up and started getting dressed. "C'mon baby get ready to leave again" he said looking at me. I just sat there.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked sitting next to me. I blushed a little, "Oh baby didn't get to cum is that it?" He asked. I shook my head yes "Princess use your words please" he said.
"Yes Daddy" I answered. He laughed a little bit then moved his hand between my thighs I let a little moan slip out. "Aww baby your so cute" he cooed. Then removed his hand, causing me to whimper. "Bad girls don't get to cum" he said sternly getting up to finish getting dressed. I didn't have much to do I was already dressed so I just waited there on the pull out bed kinda sad. Once he was dressed he picked me up. "Hey don't pout if your a good girl today, when we get maybe Daddy will give you a reward." He said. I smiled up at him
"Otay daddy I be good for you"
"That's my girl" he said then we walked up and he buckled me in. And we set off once again, and needless to say I was so excited but also impatient.

Bro long time no post. I know this is short but I really wanted to post something with this concept. Where you think the destinstion is?

Love your emo bitch ♥

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