The accident

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We had a long week but very fun week and now it was friday and even though we aren't going home till sunday we are leaving disneyland today. The plan was to spend the weekend driving around seeing what there was to see, just being with each other as much as possible before we had to return home and life had to pick back up again as usual. We were all loaded into the RV and ready to go. We stopped and ate at an italian restraunt I'd never heard of before. I got a kids meal and we talked the whole time. It made me so happy I never have this much time to just sit and talk with him. 

Time skip

After dinner we were off once again and now we'd been driving for four hours and daddy said it was time to stop for the night at hotel. He stopped at Mcdonalds and got me a Happy meal and then we went to a hotel and checked in. I ate my chicken nuggies on the ground while I colored. I finished my food and then I continued coloring. "Baby it's time to put your Jammies on" Daddy said.  

"Ugh" I said rolling over onto my back and staring at the ceiling. 

"Baby are you complaining?" He asked sternly.

 " No daddy" I said getting up and went to sit on the bed. Daddy brought my pjs over and helped me change and he told me to wait there while he got me a bottle. He put on the TV and handed me my bottle and we cuddled up. I started drinking the warm milk to help me get sleepy. Once Daddy could tell I was almost asleep he took the bottle from me and sat it down and gave me a paci. I layed my head on his chest and he leaned over to turn the lamp out and we curled up under the covers and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and Daddy wasn't next to me. I panicked a little bit " Daddy?" I called out in wondering if he was just in the bathroom. I sat up and looked around and there was a note 

Dear baby, 

I went out to get you some breakfast. 

I will be back very soon.

 If you wake up before

 I get back get dressed please. 



I got up and went potty. Then went to the suitcases and looked for an outfit. I picked out my favorite blue dino onesie and a pair of black shorts. I got a paci and continued my coloring on the floor from last night. I was coloring for a long time and it was getting worried that daddy wasn't back yet. I decided to try and call him and he wasn't answering. I was very worried but I had no way of contacting him. I started crying and I didn't know why I just had a bad feeling. 

Time skip~

Its been a long time and still nothing from Colby and I was beyond worried. I didn't know what to do I probably should of called the police or something a long time ago but I was just panicked and I didn't know how to handle this. Then I heard the door open and I turned around from where I was sitting and saw daddy walk through the door. I jumped up off the bed and I was about to jump into his arms when I froze, when I noticed that he had bruises all over his face and a huge bandage on his temple. "Oh my god are you ok? What happened?" I said. 

"I'm so sorry I was gone for so long baby. I feel so bad for leaving you alone for so long." He said. 

"Colby what happened?" I asked. He came all the way in and sat down on the bed the door shutting behind him, I came over and sat next to him. 

"So I took an Uber to pick you up some breakfast and we got in an accident, the guy was a total idiot and a terrible driver." He said " I had to go to the hospital and talk to the police because after we hit the guy got out of the car and ran." 

"Oh, Oh my god." I said hugging him tight "Are you ok? Are you hurting?" 

"No I'm ok it looks worse than it is I promise" 

"Hm well why don't you lay down and rest." I told him pulling back "I'll order us dinner and we can just rest here another night"

"That's a good Idea baby" He said. 

"And we'll head straight home first thing in the morning and I'll do all the driving" I said. 

"Hmm Ok princess if that's what you think is best" 

"Mhn now I'm gonna go check this room out for a second night and you think about what you want to eat" I said going to the door.


I did it y'all another chapter, I'm hoping to keep up my momentum. I'm trying but life is hectic. 


Your Emo Bitch

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