Sorry I'm not good enough

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"Daddy uppies" I said making grabby hands at him I was sitting on the floor playing with my toys.
"No" he said seeming angry.
"Daddy is you angry" I asked.
"I'm not your daddy anymore and your not my kitten. Your to annoying and childish" he said i immediately started crying.
"But I loves you so much daddy"
"No I'm not your daddy now take your annoying ass somewhere else please." He said I kept crying for what felt like forever."Sorry I'm not good enough" I screamed still crying. "Leave me the fuck alone your such a child" he screamed back. I was bawling and then i sat up screaming and tears pouring down my face. "Daddy?" I said crying still. "Oh no princess what's happened?" Daddy said running over to me and scooping me up and holding me. I explained the whole terrible dream to him.
"Oh no princess i promise that will never happen" he said kissing me "why don't we cuddle up and I'll lay with you and protect you from the bad dreams for the rest of your nap?"
"Otay" I said wiping the tears away. I kept sniffling alot.
"I promise I'll never leave you your my little kitten forever" he said laying down with me and kissing my forehead. He handed me my paci and covered both of us up pulling me into his chest. "I love you, you are my everything and I wouldn't be able to live without you your my beautiful baby girl" he said.
"I love you too daddy" I said sniffling and cuddling closer to him.

Short little filler chapter big chapter for colbys bday coming up. I know I'm late but when am I ever on time.

Your emo bitch

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