New apartment

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I layed on the couch waiting for daddy to come in. I heard the door open and shut and then lock. "Daaaddy I tired" i whined.
"I know babygirl" he said "but the long process is over we can just relax in our new apartment" he said sitting next to me and stroking my head. It was true and I'm so happy we finally got into our new apartment. It took so long. But i was ready for sleep. "Come here baby" he said picking me up and setting me on his lap "tonight you can sleep with daddy in his bed then tomorow we can set up your crib"
I nodded my head yes then layed on his chest. "C'mon let's get into bed" he said standing up holding me. We walked into the bedroom. He layed me in bed and covered me up and walked out of the room returning shortly after in his boxers with a paci and a warm bottle of milk he switched off the light and got in bed handing me the bottle. I started drinking the bottle and I laid on daddy falling asleep. I was almost asleep when my bottle was empty i kept sucking but nothing was coming out. I felt the bottle being removed from my mouth i whined a little but daddy slipped my paci into my mouth i smiled at the feeling and not long after I fell asleep. 

I wake up and Daddy is still fast asleep. ugh I just wanna play but all my toys are packed. I get up and go into the kitchen there was no food yet. ugh I have nothing to do. I walked into the living room and layed in the middle of the floor and groaned really loud. I obviously knew this wouldn't get daddy's attention but I wanted it to. I got up and went back into our room and layed on the bed next to daddy "I weally wish Dadddy would wake up" I groaned loudly. I looked over at him still apeared to be sleeping "Ugh" I groaned even louder. I got up and finally being done with this silliness I jumped onto his chest landing and kissing him all over his face. "Oof" he said. "Sowwy daddy you just needed to wake up I missed you alot" I said giggling. 

"Your to cute I can't be mad at you" he said. I kissed him again this time a deep kiss on the lips. Daddy rubbed my back. I giggled a bit cause it tickled. 

Time skip~

It was later that day and we had just finished dinner I was coloring on the living room floor while Daddy played video games. I eventually got super bored and I wanted attention. I walked over and sat next to Daddy he had his headset on cause he was talking to some friends. I tapped his arm "Yes Baby?" He asked muting his mic. 

"I'm boooored" I complained.

"Ok Daddy's almost done with this then he'll play with you, Ok?" he said. I just nodded in response. After a few minutes my boredom grows I slowly sink down to the floor. I get a great idea I go over to daddy and I get on my knees infront of him. I slowly start unzipping his pants. "Babygirl what are you doing?" He asked not taking his eyes off the TV. "Nuffin Daddy" I said with a slight giggle. He groaned a bit when I rubbed him through his boxers. I took my paci out and set it on the floor next to me and kissed him through his boxers he groaned even more making excuses to his friends over the headset why he was making those noises. I pulled his boxers off now he was very hard. I saw him mute his mic "Baby stop Daddy's gotta finish then he'll play with you" He slightly growled. I nodded no at him then he turned his mic back on to say something to someone about the game I don't know I wasn't really listening. I started slowing sucking his tip he groaned then said "Ya I'm good guys sorry my back just hurts really bad I'm probably gonna go to bed after this round" he barely got the words out as I sucked a bit harder swirling my tongue. I took advantage of this oppurtunity to tease him since he couldn't do much about it, I knew it would get me punished but  I don't care. I was only teasing for a few more seconds when I heard the console powering down. Daddy took his headset off and I know I'm in for a punishment. He grabbed my hair jerking my head to look up at him "Oh look Daddy's little cock slut couldn't wait 5 minutes such a needy baby." He said caressing my cheek " Aww baby you look so desperate to be filled by daddy" I nodded at him. 

"Oh come on use your words like a big girl" He said. 

"Yes daddy" I said just wanting his touch.

"What baby? What do you want daddy to do to you?" He teased. 

"Oh please Daddy fuck me already" I begged.

"No, naughty baby's get punishments" after saying this his hand started to travel down my body rubbing my boobs through my onesie. I moaned slightly my nipples were so sensitive. He picked me up and layed me on the couch. He hovered over me kissing me forcefully. Then he slowly traveled down my neck marking me up. I moaned slightly he paused then looked up at me as he got an idea he picked me up and brought me to our room where he layed me on the bed and then went into the closet and got out our special backpack. From the backpack he pulled out a pink rope. Then walked over to me and started tying me up slowly first completly binding my wrists behind my back then tying my ankles together. Tightly but not to tightly wrapping it around me waist and around my chest . I was feeling my full rope bunny fantasy. He put one of the gags in my mouth  that was a paci. Daddy rubbed his hand all the way down my body slowly sending shivers down my spine. "Remember the safe word?" He asked I shook my head yes. "Good"He said then leaning down he whispered in my ear "Now you better not cum without daddy's permission or this punishment might double." He slowly put one finger into me I moaned through my gag. I wanted more but I knew this was gonna go exactly how daddy wanted. He shoved his finger in knuckle deep then adding a second making a scissor motion with his fingers. "Dadddyyyy" I moaned it slightly muffled. "Daddy can tease you all night long this is for being a naught girl all day" He said thrusting his fingers into me harder with each word. I knew it was true I hadn't listened all day and most of yesturday when we were trying to move.

Time skip~

Daddy had just finished untying me. "Baby you did so good" Daddy said " Daddy was pretty rought this time. Are you ok?" I nodded at him. 

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"Yes Daddy" I said. Then he opened his arms wide I curled up into them he slipped a paci into my mouth and rocked me till i fell asleep.


OK! I know I really went out for this but I really felt it tonight my creative juices were a flowin. Anyway sorry long time no post not much is new for me. Weelll there is new stuff but I can't really post about it but maybe if your so curious to know I'll do a small rant chapter about the bullshit my life has been for the past month or so. It involves my little space and basically me not being aloud to regress any more. I know sad story If you wann hear it let me know. Ok night Y'all love you the most literally ever.  Your the best your worth it you matter you deserve the world you deserve happiness.


Your emo bitch

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