First day

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I slept better I felt safer in Daddy's arms, but when I woke up that familuar anxious feeling in my stomach returned, and I noticed I was alone in the bed. I sat up and looked around the and I didn't see him. I got up and walked into the living room and I seen him standing in the kitchen. "Good morning Daddy" I said.

"Good Morning Babbbyyy!!!" He responded very excitedly "How did you sleep?" 

"Fine... until I realized you were gone" I answered sitting down at one of the bar stools. 

"I'm sorry but I wanted to get up extra early to make sure everything was ready for your day" he said "I made you breakfast and I ordered you an iced coffee" he turned to the fridge and got out an iced coffee. I smiled and took a sip as he set it down infront of me. "Thank you"  I said with a giggle. He then set a plate of eggs and hashbrowns infront of me I smiled at him and he smiled back. God I love him so much nothing in the world could make this more perfect. "Are you ready for the day?" I nodded my head and began eating.

I finished eating and got up to give him the biggest hig ever. I just stayed there with my head on his chest soaking in the comfort before I had to go face my fears. He kissed me on the head and said I should go get dressed. "Help?" I said not really able to find my words, He chuckled at me and led me to our room sitting me down on our bed. He went to the closet and got the first day outfit I had picked out last night. I took of my pjamas and he helped me get dressed. "No worries baby you look gorgeous and you're gonna kill it." I smiled and went in the bathroom doing some light makeup and pulling my hair back into a neat ponytail so I looked presentable. I went back out and gave Colby a kiss on the lips and a hug. We said our goodbyes and I grabbed my book bag and my coffee and headed out the door. 

~~Time skip~~

I finished up my first full day of classes and was so excited to get home to Colby. I pulled in the parking lot and rushed up to our apartment. I opened the door and all the lights were off I came in set my keys and water bottle down on the counter and turned to fumble for the light I switched it on and "SUPRISE!" there was a loud explosion of many voices all in unison as people popped out around me. I smiled in shock looking around at all the faces around me Colby, Sam, Jake, and Kat. I was genuinly suprised. Colby came over to me pulling me in he whispered "I thought a little dinner to celebrate your first day might help" I nodded in agreement. I ran over and hugged Kat I was most excited to see her. I asked her if she'd come with me to put something more casual on and we slipped into our room while the guys got dinner ready. 

"Omg today has been crazy and I definetly didn't expect this" I said going to pull clothes out of the closet. "Yeah I've been so excited we don't hang out enough and I miss you" she said. I got changed then sat next to her on the bed. I layed my head on her in exhaustion. She rubbed my head and we just stayed there for a minute before my stomach growled really loud and we both bust out laughing. "Ready for dinner?" She giggled out and I nodded and we headed back out to the living room. 

~~ another time skip~~

After dinner Jake had to headed out and Sam and Colby went into Colby's office to look at something youtube related. "Well i don't know about you but I've had enough adulting for the day wanna watch a disney movie?" I asked. She giggled and ran over to the purse she brought and pulled out her favorite Paci. "Yay!" I said "This is how I know we're meant to be friends you practically read my mind." I said sitting on the couch and pulling a paci out of the side table. I grabbed the remote and put on Monsters Inc. About half an hour in I got very thirsty, I looked at Kat and said "Juice" and she nodded in agreement. I giggled and we waddled to the kitchen. I climbed up onto the counter and stood to reach the sippies on the second shelf I was so excited, I wasn't paying attention and i accidentally kicked a glass off the counter and hit the ground shattering very loudly. "Uh oh" Kat said from where she was sitting on the ground within inches of the glass.I let out a small giggle sitting down on the counter with my legs dangling. We both started giggling very loud before Sam and Daddy came running out to see what all the noise was. "Oh no baby what happened?" Daddy's voice stopped our giggling as I looked over to see him with a worried expression. "Uh it was accident Daddy." I said. 

"Its ok baby come here."He said walking over and picking me up and setting me out of danger of the broken glass. Sam set Kat next to me too, and we watched as they cleaned and sweeped up the glass before turning to look at us. "Now what happened?" Daddy said "Why were you on the counter?" 

"Uh wellllll we wan da juice and so i getting cups and i knock dis down." I explained. 

"Well you know to ask for help when your little, you could've got very hurt." He said. I agreed with him. "So can gets us juice?" I asked. Daddy and Sam both chuckled at us.


OMG i did It Ya'll another chapter  and I like this one I love writing small details and little space stuff I might do some Little space specific Filler chapters Idk we shall see

Love your,

 emo bitch

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