Dinner party

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I was so happy I was finally off work for the day. Also Colby said he'd be waiting at my apartment for me. "Hello? Colby?" I asked. Walking through the front door. "Hey babe your home! How was your day?" He asked.
"Terrible" I complained.
"Oh I'm sorry baby."he said. I walked over and hugged him and laid my head down on his chest. "So are you still feeling up to having Brennan and Jake over for dinner? Cause if not I can just cancel" he asked.
"Oh ya that's fine. Just not to late I'm tired. " I said.
"We still have some time princess" he said trying to help me slip into little space. "What should we do daddy?" I asked.
"I don't know maybe you can go play with your stuffies while I make you a bubble bath?" He suggested.
"Ya I wanna do that!" I said.
"Ok let's go!" He said picking me up and running to my room.
"Weee" I said as we flew down the hall.
He set me down on the floor and I crawled over and grabbed a few stuffies. I heard daddy walk away. I was playing around and giggling when daddy came back saying my bath was ready. I made uppie hands to him "up" I said.
"Oh ok baby" he said picking me up. We went in the bathroom. I took off my clothes from work. "Ok princess hop in." He said.
"Wait one second" I said running over to one of my drawers and grabbing a pretty pink bath bomb. Then I walked over and daddy lifted me in the tub. I put the bath bomb in the water watching it fizz out and I messed around with it. "Time to wash up princess" daddy said.
"Ok daddy" I said. He then squirted shampoo in my hair and started massaging it in. Then he dumped a cup of water over my head and I jut giggled and smiled up at him. He then washed down my body and then he reached my princess parts he washed them carefully. I moaned a little. "Was that a moan little girl?" He asked.
"No daddy" I said.
"Oh so it doesn't feel good when I do this?" He asked slowly rubbing me. I couldn't help it but moan loudly. "I knew it princess." He said. Then the doorbell rang. " looks like the guests have arrived" he said pulling his hand away making me whimper. " Be a big girl and finish washing up" he said walking out of the room. I just huffed.
Colbys POV:
I walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. I answered the door it was Jake.  " Hey dude" I said.
" Hey sorry I'm a little early" he said.
" no it's fine"  I assured him " Hannah's just still in the bath she had a long day at work so she's relaxing."

" No problem" he said.
Hannah POV
I finished up my bath quick and wrapped in my towel. Then I ran into my room. I knew I had to wear big girl clothes. I decided on wearing a pair of pink (the brand not the color) leggings they were gray with the word pink down the side in black. And a Take chances hoodie. I walked into the living room. I sat down next to Colby who was in conversation with Jake. I waved at Jake he waved back.
"Do you mind?" Jake asked pulling a mod out of his pocket.
" Go ahead" I told him. He started vapping and the conversation went on as before. Colby got up to go check on dinner. " Wanna try?" Jake asked offering me a hit.
" umm sure, I actually use to vape alot, I don't remember why I stopped" I said laughing then I took a huge hit off his mod. He started clapping " wow impressive" he said as I blew a huge cloud. "Woah babe I didn't know you vaped." Colby said walking in the room as i started blowing o's. " Hey babe can we talk in the other room for a second?" Colby asked.
" uh sure." I said handing the mod back to Jake. We then both walked into my room. " princess you shouldn't vape I don't like it." He said.
" Why daddy lots of littles vape, and it helps alot with my stress and anxiety." I argued.
" I don't know baby." He said.
" Oh come on Daddy you don't find it at all sexy all the little tricks I can do." I said kissing him. " fine but don't go crazy" he said as I won him over with my cuteness. The doorbell rang " must be Brennan." Colby said going to go answer the door. I went and sat on the couch. " Did I get you in trouble?" Jake asked me.
" No he's being a stick in the mud." I said.
" Ok so what other tricks can you do?" He asked.
Skip till after dinner~~
We had just finished dinner and we were all sitting on the couch. I was curled up on colbys lap. Half asleep as he was talking to Jake and Brennan. Soon after Jake and Brennan had decided to leave. As soon as they left I was ready to be little again. "Daddy?" I said.
" what princess?" He responded.
"I'm so sweepy." I said slipping more into little space.
" Do you want to sleep in your crib tonight?" He asked.
" No I wanna sleep in my big girl bed and cuddle wif you dada." I said.
" ok baby let's go get you into some comfy clothes." He said standing up and putting me on his hip and walking into my nursery. (That's what I'm gonna call her little room now)
"Wanna wear your onsie with care bears on it?" He asked.
" No daddy I want to wear dat one wif da spooky Halloween stuff on it." I said..
" Ok princess Halloween is coming up soon." He said. I crawled over to find my Halloween deco paci. It was so cute it had little bats and stuff on it.
I popped it into my mouth as daddy began to undress me. " ok baby do you want a bottle?" Daddy asked as soon as I was dressed.
" yes" I said. He picked me up putting me up on his hip I layed my head onto him sleepily as he walked to the kitchen and made my bottle. He handed me my bottle. I took my paci out and put the handle around my fingers as he walked to bed. He layed me down in bed then be stripped to his boxers and turned the lights out. I put my bottle to the side and put a plain black paci in my mouth so my deco paci doesn't break in my sleep. I curl up to daddy and fall asleep.

Another long chapter. I'm proud of this one. I don't really know if this story will have to much of a storyline I just like writing ddlg  imagines and cute little things about how a daddy should treat they're little.

Your emo bitch

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