Doctors visit

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So we finally arrived at the doctor my arm was hurting so bad still. Daddy grabbed me and the diaper bag and we went inside. " Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked. " My little girl here fell off the counter and hurt her arm." He explained. I was being shy so I hid my face in daddy's shoulder. "Ok please fill out these forms and the doctor will be with you shortly." She said.
Daddy's grabbed the clipboard and we went and sat down. I sat next to him and drank my juice while he filled out the paperwork. After a minute he said "Stay here princess I need to go give the lady this paperwork." I nodded as he walked away. I sat there I tried to ignore the pain so I got out one of the stuffies that daddy packed for me and I snuggled it close to my chest. Daddy came back and sat next to me. He pulled me onto his lap. "Ok princess so it's going to be a few minutes but you need to use your words so the doctor can figure out what's wrong. Ok baby?" He said.
"Otay daddy" I said.
"Your so cute princess." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Hannah?" The doctor called. Daddy's stood up holding me on his hip grabbed all our stuff and following him back into the room. Daddy sat me on the examination table. He sat in a chair on the other side of the room. "Ok so what happened?" The doctor asked.
"Well I was home alone and I was trying to get something from the top shelf of the cupboard and I was standing on my tippy toes on the counter and I fell all the way down and my arm hurts weally bad." I explained. " ok let me see." He said walking over and moving my arm and asking if it hurt and it hurt so so bad I started crying again. "Well I think it might be broken so we need to xray just to be sure." He explained to daddy.
"Ok" daddy said.
"The nurse will be in in just a minute to take you to get that done." He said leaving the room. Daddy walked over to me " you did so good princess if you keep being good we can go shopping and get you some new stuff and snackies after. Ok?" He said.
"Yes daddy I'll be the best princess ever." I said.
Skip till after the appointment~~
"You did so good even when they had put the cast on." Daddy said pulling into the parking lot of the store.
"It feels a wittle bit better now daddy" I said.
"It's the medicine they have you we'll get some more while we are here." He said.
"Otay dada" I said. We parked and went inside daddy lifted me into the cart. "So what do you want for your reward?" He asked.
"Hmm I need stickers and stuff to decorate my cast and I want maybe a new stuffie or something." I said.
"Ok stickers is first priority." He said. We walked to the sticker isle. I picked out one that was unicorns and some puffy stickers that looked like diamonds. "Okay so I think you could get a paci and a toy if you want." He said.
"Yes daddy!" I said. We went to the isle and they had lots of cute pacis and sippys. "I want that one" I said pointing to a pack that had 2 binkies one was blue and yellow and had a bee on it and one was red and black with a ladybug on it. "Okay princess now to the toy isle." He said. In the toy isle I got an l.o.l surprise doll and daddy also let me get a bored game to pass the time while my arm was in a cast. We also got some snackies. Which include cheez-Itz, white cheddar popcorn, gushers, peach juice, and apple sauce.
We checked out and headed home.
When we got home daddy went and put all the food away while I decorated my cast. Then I opened my doll it was queen bee which matched my new paci perfectly. I tried getting my new paci out but it was to hard with the cast on. "Daddy I need help" I called into the kitchen he came into the room. "What's wrong princess?" He asked.
"I can't get it open" I complained handing him the package. He opened it easily. "Which one do you want princess?" He asked.
"The bee one to match my new doll." I said showing him queen bee.
"Perfect" he said handing me the bee paci and going to put the other one away. "Ok princess do you want snackies now?" He asked.
"No daddy I'm tired I didn't get a nap today." I said yawning and rubbing my eyes.
"Okay naptime it is and I'll make noodles for dinner while your asleep."
"Yay my favorite!" I said.
"Let's go get you into your crib baby." He said. I made uppie hands at him.
"Ok" he said picking me up. He carried me to my crib. "Dada I want a baba" I said.
"Ok one sec" he said leaving the room coming back with a bottle of milk it was my bottle with the bees on it. "Thought I'd keep the theme going." He said handing it to me. "Nini daddy" I said.
"Goodnight little one" he said kissing me on top of my head and leaving he turned off the light but left my nightlight on. I started drinking my milk and I fell asleep really quick.

Ok guys that was that I guess. I'm really enjoying this story right now. I've had a alot of free time today that's why two chapters went up I cant promise two chapters a day but today I had literally nothing to do. I'll try and update soon maybe shoot for 3 chapters today idk we'll see. I love you guys.

Your emo bitch

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