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I was on my way home after my first full week of College. It was exciting but exhausting, I was so ready to just be home and relax. I walked into the apartment and went looking around for Colby, I checked every room. The kitchen the living room our bed room and his office I couldn't find him then I decided to check the extra bedroom, this room was supposed to be my nursery but even though we've lived here for a while we never had the chance to properly set it up. I opened the door and I seen Colby sitting on the floor facing the wall placing books on a bookshelf. "Colby?" i asked. He turned around to look at me.

"Oh Hi baby" he said " I wasn't excpecting you home yet.... Suprise!!" I looked around and my Crib was against one wall the changing table on another with all my diapers arranged on the bottom, the paci display box daddy made me was next to it the corner had all my stuffies arranged in a neat stack which was next to the book shelf where daddy was putting books, the closet full of all my onesies and other baby clothes. I stared around in amazement at how perfect it was there was glittery stickers on the walls that were alternating pastel blue and pastel lavendar. "Oh my god..." i said my jaw on the floor.

"You like it Princess?" He asked. I ran and jumped onto him knocking him down onto his back kissing him all over his face, and then finally on the lips but alot longer of a kiss this time. I never wanted to stop kissing him. I pulled back and giggled staring into his eyes "Thank you my love" he smiled up at me looking just as handsome as ever. "It was my pleasure, I want you to have an easier way to destress after school." he said "I felt guilty all your baby gear was still in boxes." I kissed him again. He picked me up and went over to the closet and picked out a onesie off a hanger. It was my favorite Dino one, he set me down and took all the stupid school clothes from the day off. He changed me into a dip and put my onesie popping a paci into my mouth. I cuddled into his chest right there. Instantly becoming small insanely grateful for my amazing partner. I got up and went over to play with blocks he came over and joined me we played for hours, before he decided it was dinner time and we went to go find food.

Omg it's been forever I had this one half finished for a while and finally to finish it and get it out for y'all who still read this hope you enjoy the bit of wholesomeness more to come 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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