Destination reveal

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We were driving for about an hour and a half and then Daddy said "Ok princess were almost there, but I need you to put this on" he said handing me a blindfold. I took it and put it on "I'm excited Daddy" I said.
"Good baby, I can't wait for you to finally see" he said. I giggled in excitement. We drove for a couple more minutes before i felt the RV come to a stop and it turned off. I heard him get out and walk around and open my door for me. He unbuckled me and I got super excited. I felt him pull me into his arms and walk a little ways then he said "Ok kitten are you finally ready to see?"

"Yes daddy I'm very very ready" He took my blindfold off and I turned my head to see the front gates of disneyland. "Omg daddy are you serious?!?" I said looking back at him in shock and excitement. "Dead serious princess ,now if you stand right here while daddy gets your bag we can go in." I nodded in agreement as he set me on my feet. I stood there in total shock and excitement. I waited patiently thinking of all the fun stuff we were gonna get to do. Then Daddy walked back up and took my hand "Ready to go baby?" he asked. I nodded excitedly, it was well worth the wait and the drive. We walked forward ready to go in I literally couldn't wait. Once we were finally inside there was so much to see. Lots of rides and stores and stuff, we first went into this one store where we got me some mickey ears i got two pairs one that was just regulaur and the others were minnie ears that said princess and daddy got mickey ears that said daddy on them. I had such a hard time deciding what to do though.

Time skip~

We had spent the whole day going on rides and running around the whole park doing random things. Now we were headed back to the hotel for the night. I ran into our room and plopped down on the bed exhausted from the long day I had. I was kinda fussy from the long day, Daddy got my pjs and a paci ready for me I changed really quick cause I was so tired and just wanted cuddles. I brushed my teeth and did all my bedtime stuff and layed down and waited for Daddy to join me in bed. I started falling asleep when I felt Daddy join me in bed so I crawled over to him laying my head on his chest. "Thank you daddy this is amazing" I said. 

"It's my pleasure princess" He said, kissing the top of my head "But if I recall properly you need to be punished" 

"um.. no daddy" I said knowing it was no use.

"Baby lying will only make this worse"He said sternly "I'll let you sleep for tonight cause its been a long day but don't think daddy has forgotten and be good unless you want it to be much worse" I nodded showing I understood but I was to sleepy to respond.  I fell asleep in his arms as happy as i could be.

I woke up before Daddy laying there waiting, I got bored and got up and straddled him and, laying on his chest and kissing his cheek and down to his jawline then neck. It didn't wake him sometimes he slept like a log while other times, he slept light as a feather. I slowly started wiggling my hips. In hopes that turning him on enough would wake him up. When I could feel him grow hard underneath me I started to grind down onto him as it was starting to feel really good. I bit my lip trying to stay quiet but eventually I couldn't hold back my whimpers and I was moaning and whimpering as quietly as I could manage. All the sudden I felt myself being flipped over, and now Daddy was ontop of me with his hand around my throat. "You are so cute, trying to get off on Daddy's cock like that." He said 

"No Daddy I wasn't trying to be naughty, I was trying to wake you up I promise Daddy" I pleaded.

"Oh really baby, is that why you were whimpering into my ear like a little slut." He said.

"Daddy it wasn't what it looks like I promise, I just wanted you to wake up" I said again.

"I think I'm to easy on you baby, you just think you can do whatever you want." He said gripping tighter.

"No daddy I sorry I didn't mean it" I pleaded. He just shushed me, before getting off the bed. I tried getting up too. "You don't move" he said. I obeyed immediatly, he walked over to one of his suit cases and opened it up. His back was to me so I couldn't see what he was doing. "Close your eyes baby" He ordered. I did just as he said "are they closed?" he asked. 

"Yes daddy" I said. I heard a little bit of movement then felt him sit on the bed, he grabbed my hands held them together in one hand above my head, and slowly he began to pull down my pajama shorts. I felt something touch around my legs and then I felt it land on my clit. I really couldn't tell what it was until I felt it start to vibrate, I whimpered slightly at the feeling. "You are gonna sit here quietly like a good slut while daddy goes downstairs to get us breakfast, Can you handle that baby?" He asked
"Yes daddy" I moaned out.
"Now daddy is gonna leave your arms untied while I'm gone, since I won't be here if you safe word but I need you to promise daddy you won't move" he said "unless you're safe wording"
"Yes daddy I promise" I moaned out through gritted teeth. He then walked out of the room.

Omg finally I finished this I've been working on it for a long time and I'm so excited for everyone to read it!!! I love you all.

-Your emo bitch 🖤

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