Bratty baby

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I woke up and looked around I was in my big girl bed. I got up and went into the kitchen and daddy was making breakfast. "Morning daddy" I said.
"Morning princess" he replied.
"Whatcha making?" I asked.
"Chocolate chip waffles your favorite" he said.
"Aww daddy you know me so well" I said hugging him.
"Only the best for my princess" he said.
"Your so great daddy" I said.
I put my paci in my mouth and walked over to the counter and sat down and swung my legs over the side. All the sudden a really sad thought hit me. "What's wrong baby girl?" He asked.
"I remembered I have work tomorow, I hate work" I said.
"Aww princess I'm sorry" he said picking me up off the counter. I wrapped my legs around him and watched him finish cooking food. "Well I guess we really have to make today count." He said.
Skip 2 hours~~
"Daddy I don't wanna watch this movie anymore."I whined.
"Ok that what do you wanna watch" he asked.
"Nothing I wanna play" i said standing up and twirling around.
"It's nap time" he said checking the time on his phone. "No" I said.
"What did you just say little girl?" He asked in his daddy voice.
"I said no daddy no nap time" I said being a bratty baby.
"You don't tell daddy no do you need a spanking?" He asked.
"No daddy" I said running away and giggling.
"Oh I'm gonna get you little girl" he said chasing after me. I ran into my room and hid in the closet. Soon the door flew open and daddy picked me up. "No daddy no, no spanks" I whined.
"I'm sorry baby girl but you didn't listen." He said sternly. He sat down in a chair and the bent me down over his knee and gave me one spanking it wasn't to hard tho. "Count princess"
He said.
"One thank you daddy" I said
He slapped my bum again.
"Two thank you daddy" I said again
He spanked me one last time.
"Three thank you daddy" I said finally.
He pulled me up and held me into his chest. "Im sorry baby. You know daddy loves you right?" He asked.
"Yes daddy I wuv you very much" I said poking his cheek.
"Aww your so cute" he said tickling my sides. I giggled "daddy stop, it tickles" he then stopped and pulled me into a hug. I layed my head on his chest. "Your the best daddy ever" I said.
"Aww thanks princess" he said. I layed there and suddenly he started trailing his hand down and touching my princess parts. I let out a low moan. "Your so wet now" he said.
"Daddy" I moaned as he slipped his hand under my shorts and underwear.
"Louder baby girl." He said slipping one finger in. "Oh daddy" I said as he plunged another finger into me. He slowly thrusted both fingers into me. " yes daddy" I moaned.
" can I please cum?" I asked.
"Hold it princess" he said.
"Daddy I can't" I moaned.
"Hold it baby girl hold it" he said "ok go ahead baby" with that i released all over his hand as if on command. He licked his hand clean. "Ok bath time"

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