Filming day

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Smutish warning~~

Today daddy had to film with Jake at the trap house but he's taking me along. Colby and I had told Jake that I was a little. So I could be myself Jake was cool with it and the other roommates weren't  gonna be home. "Okay let's get you dressed" daddy said. He set me on my changing table then he walked over and got into my closet. He picked out a onesie that had little turtles all over it and a pair of black spandex booty shorts. He layed me down putting a fresh diaper on me. He sat me up and pulled off my pj shirt. "I love you daddy" I said giggling.
"I love you too princess" he said pulling the onesie over my head. After I was dressed he packed my diaper bag. I went over and grabbed my paci box I picked the one that matched my onesie it was a green one with turtles on it and it had a little turtle stuffie attached to the handle. Daddy packed alot of toys this time I grabbed a stuffie that was a turtle I was going with that theme today. "Ok princess let's get your shoes on" he said taking me in the living room and sitting me on the couch. He put on my black converse and tied them for me. "All ready to go dada?" I asked.
"Yes princess let's go" he said picking me up he put the diaper bag on his shoulder grabbed his keys and left. "Are to excited to see Jake?" He asked walking to the car.
"I'm nervous daddy" I said.
"Don't be baby Jake is super nice and he isn't going to judge you for being little." He said.
"Ok" I said as he strapped me into my seat.
~sister skip car ride~~
We arrived and me and daddy walked up to the door. He just walked in since technically he lived there he just always stays with me. "Jake we're here" he announced. We heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. I got shy and dug my face into daddy's arm. "It's ok little one" he said picking me up. I just layed on his shoulder. I heard them talking they decided to film outside. "Do you wanna play with your toys outside?" He asked.
"Yes dada" I whispered into his ear. He took me outside and he spread a blanket out and set me on it with all my toys while Jake set up the camera. They started filming while I just watched. I slowly got a little more comfortable around Jake and I started playing with my dinosaur "rawr" I said really quiet I set up a little town out of blocks and made the dinosaur know it all down rawring all the little people screamed and ran around. "Princess your being fucking adorable but you got to be quieter while we film. Ok?" He said.
"Otay daddy" I said playing without as much noise. I played for a long time I started yawning. " aww is baby sleepy?" Daddy asked.
"Yes daddy" I said yawning. He came over and picked me up "you can nap in daddy's room." He said he grabbed the diaper bag and took me inside he set me on the counter of the kitchen while he filled a bottle with milk. Then he took me upstairs to his room and layed me in his bed handing me the bottle "Sleep good little one"  he said kissing me on the forehead.
"Ni night daddy" I said once he left I fell asleep almost immediately. I woke up and I went to go find daddy. I went downstairs and him and Jake were playing video games on the couch. I snuck up they were distracted I jumped on daddy's lap "Daddy!!" I said.
"Oof morning princess" he said hugging me "how'd you sleep?"
"Good" I said laying my head on his chest he started rubbing my back.
"Are you ready to go home?" He asked.
"Yes daddy" I said.
"Ok let me go pack your stuff, first give me a kiss" he said. I kissed him on the lips. He set me next to him and left to go get my stuff. I just watched Jake play. Then I got up and went looking for him. He was in his room I came in shutting the door behind me. "Hey princess" he said. I walked over and kissed him deep he pulled me back on the bed. "Someone's eager" he said between kisses.


Ok another chapter it's kinda a filler but I liked it. Dont got much go say hope you enjoyed this love you all.

Your emo bitch

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