Moving day

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Today is finally the day we are moving into the trap house. I was going to go over to play with Kat later when the moving started. First daddy and I were taking all the stuff that was going into storage to the storage unit. We got the moving truck early so we could do this before I left so we can have some time together. "Ok baby ready to start putting boxes in the truck?" He asked.
"Yes daddy" I said making uppie hands.
"No baby I can't carry you right now I have to carry boxes"he said.
"But daddy I need to be held" he said.
"No princess help me carry boxes ok?" He said.
"Fine daddy" I said pouty.
"Do you need a nap?" He asked.
"No daddy I help I help" I said. He shook his head ok and handed me my paci and handing me a box "Here this box is light" he said. He grabbed a big box and we went to load up the truck.
We did this for awhile we only had a few boxes left daddy was down at the truck and I was up in the apartment waiting for him I heard the front door open "Oh daddy come here" I called. I heard footsteps "yes baby?" He said coming over to where was sat on the ground "I needs attention" I said.
"Oh? I thought I have been giving you attention" he said.
"No silly daddy" I said I got up on my knees rubbing him through his pants him instantly getting hard. "Oh I see princess" he said. I nodded my head unzipping his pants and and placing him in my mouth. "Fuck" he whispered as I sucked on his tip. I slowly put more and more of him into my mouth. I started moving my head up and down fast. "Keep going your doing so good being daddy's little slut" he said. I went faster "You make me feel so good babygi.." then he came down my throat cutting his sentence short. I stood up "princess you did so good" he said kissing me.
"Tankies daddy now we should finish up before I go to see Kat" I said getting up off my knees. "Dont you want a reward?" He asked pulling me closer and kissing me deep.
"Daddy we don't have all day" I said grabbing a box and walking to put it I the truck. I heard him cussing under his breath I knew what I'd done but it would make living with other people so hard. After 10 more minutes we were all ready to go. We got into the truck which daddy had happily moved my carseat into, and set off. "That was very naughty of you princess" he said putting his hand on my thigh. "Daddy I sowy I thought you would like it" I said.
"Oh no you did good very good but, I still think you need to be punished" he said.
" Like what?" I asked.
"You'll see" he said. After a long drive we finally arrived daddy and some workers at the place out everything into the storage unit and we left again. "Wanna go out to lunch?" He asked.
"Yes please daddy" I said he then pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. I started to unbuckle "wait a minute I have a surprise for you" daddy said.
"Weally a surprise?" I asked through my pacifier he shook his head yes. The pulled out a small vibrator he stuck his hand down my shorts and put the vibrator into me. Then with the button in his other hand he turned it on low. A little moan escaped my lips. "Shh now princess you must be quiet in the restaurant" he said turning it back off. We then went inside and he ordered us food i got a happy meal with chicken nuggies. Then we sat down to eat. I was eating and without warning daddy turned the vibrator on again. "Daddy staahp" I whisper moaned to him.
"No kitten this is what you get for teasing daddy and not giving him what he wants" he said continuing to eat. I continued eating. "And don't you dare think about cumming little one" he said. I went through the rest of lunch with it on low but he would randomly turn it up a notch and I would yelp then eventually he would turn it back down until the next I slightly moaned or anything he would bump it up. I Tried my best  to suppress my moans. "Let's go now" he said after throwing our garbage away. I picked up my paci from the table then he picked me up. We got back to the truck and he removed the vibrator. "See baby that was just a little warning for what will happen if you misbehave" he said.
"I'll be good I promise daddy" I said.
"That's my good girl." He said Ready to go see Kat?"
"Yes!" I said.
"Ok let's go"he said buckling my carseat. We set off "So your gonna play with Kat while I finish moving everything. But daddy will come pick you up once I'm done" he said.
"Otay but is you doing it all by yourself?" I asked.
"No some of the guys are coming to help" he said.
"Otay but don't take to long I will miss you" I said.
"I will be as quick as I can" he said "also I will call you later to check in"
"Otay" I said. We finally pulled into the drive way. He got me out and we walked up to the door. Sam opened it "hey man" Daddy said "thanks so much for watching Hannah"
"Ya anytime buddy" Sam said as we stepped in the door. He closed the door behind us. "So we just ate lunch so she's good on food for now" daddy told him. I made uppie hands at daddy he picked me up. "You gonna be alright baby?" He asked.
"Ya I fink so I just gonna miss you" I whispered into his ear.
"I'll be back before you know it" he said "and I packed you lots of toys and a few pacis to choose from and some snackies" he said "oh and your phone is in there so I can call you later ok?" He said.
"Otay daddy I wove you" I said.
"That's my good girl now give daddy a kiss goodbye" he said. I gave him a big kiss. "Now go have fun" he said setting me down. "Kat is in her room playing and waiting for you" Sam said. I shook my head and ran off. I remembered where Kat's room was from before.
"Hi" I said when I got to her room.
"Hi! Your here come pway wif me!" She said.
"Otay" I said running over to her.
We were playing for awhile "Let's watch a movie!" She said.
"We should make a fort too" I suggested.
"Great idea let me go ask Daddy" she said. She started walking out of the room, I followed close behind.
"Daddy?" She said when we reached the living room where Sam was.
"Yes darling?" He said.
"Can we make a fort and watch a movie?" She asked.
"That sounds like so much fun" he said " let's do it"
"Yay!!" me and Kat said in unison.
Sam started getting the blankies and some chairs from the dining room, we all started spreading the blankies over the chairs. "You guys finish up and I'll go make coco" Sam said going into the kitchen. Me and Kat put blankets inside. And some of her stuffies. I got into my bag and daddy packed me some stuffies too. There was stitch, a little piggy, and a monkey. I put them in there too. Then I looked through me bag for my paci. I found daddy packed a sparkly deco one that had stitch on it and a matching paci clip. I put it in my mouth and clipped it to my shirt. I found a sippy daddy packed me that matched my paci. I ran into the kitchen "here I got my own sippy" I said to Sam.
"Thank you so much now go help Kat pick a movie" he said i nodded my head and found Kat. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked her.
"I dunno there is so many options" she said "Aladdin?"
"Ya ya!" I said.
About half way into the movie I realized I needed my diaper changed. I got up and got my phone out of my bag and went into the bathroom.
Text convo between Hannah and Colby:
To dada💕: Daddy I need my diaper changed I forgot to put on big girl panties
I waited I got a reply pretty fast.
From dada💕: oh no I'm sorry baby I forgot too. Well I packed undies for you how bought you put those on instead. Or I can come change you but I'm kinda busy I don't mind tho
To dada💕: Otay I put panties on I see you soon?
From dada:yep about an hour ok?
To dada💕: Otay wove you
From dada💕: that's my big girl I love you too❤
I went to get my undies out of the bag.
I ran back into the bathroom and took my diaper off cleaned myself up and out them on. There was a knock on the door. I cracked it "Colby texted me do you want me to through your diaper away for you?" He asked.
"Yes please" I said. I wrapped it up and handed it to him and then shut the door. I finished getting dressed and joined Kat. The movie was over. "Hannah, Colby is on his way make sure all your stuff is together ok?" Sam said.
"Otay" I grabbed my stuffies and sippy and put them in my bag. I sat on the couch and waited and finally there was a knock on the door. I hopped up and Sam opened it. It was daddy I missed him so much. I ran and jumped into his arms. "Hi baby daddy missed you" he said.
"I missed you too dada" I said kissing him.
"Ready to go home?" He asked.
"Yep, tank you Sam" I said.
"Anytime" he said.
"Bye Kat" I said.
"Goodbye" she said then daddy grabbed my diaper bag and we left.
"What did you do?" Daddy asked.
"Well we played wif toys, made a big fort and then we drank hot coco and watched Aladdin"I said really fast in one exhale.  "Wow sounds like a busy day baby" he said once we got to the car, he buckled me into my carseat and we set off.
"All our stuff is at the trap house now" he said.
"Yay I miss my stuffies" I said.
"But you missed me more right?" He asked.
"Yes daddy you da best stuffie of all" I replied.
We then pulled into the parking lot of the trap house. "Daddy I twired" I said.
"Ok princess let's go inside" he got out unbuckled me and carried me and my bag inside. We went upstairs and in our room there were alot of boxes everywhere. "Daddy I want to put pjs on" I said.
"Ok well most of your clothes are packed do you want to wear one of daddy's shirts?" He asked.
"Omg yes!"I said. Then he got one of his big shirts and a diaper. He got me dressed "feel better baby?" He asked clipping my paci onto my shirt. I put it into me mouth. I grabbed a few stuffies and we curled up in bed. "Ni night daddy" I said curling up to his chest. "Goodnight princess" he said kissing my forehead.

Ok that took me so long to write but it's finally done and it's a pretty long one I hope it was worth the wait.

Your emo bitch♥

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