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I slept the best I'd done in months. It was a miracle what a few words of encouragement could do, especially from your Mom. My alarm went off at 8am that morning mainly because I didn't want to be late and secondly because I had to ask around for this woman at the subway. I slowly made my way to the subway and began looking around for this beautiful woman that had stolen my wallet.

I Couldn't believe my eyes when I actually found her standing in the same place I was stood yesterday.

I mean it's stealing 101 right? Don't go back to the Scene of the crime or whatever.

I walked up to her with all my confidence ready to just burst when I got to her but she turned before I got there and I crumbled.

Her hair was down this time. In these beautiful waves framing her face. This woman stole your wallet, focus. I almost felt as though I had done something wrong but it serves me right for judging a woman by her beauty.

I was angry. I had to remind myself I was angry. I kept repeating it in my head. In her left hand was my wallet and in her right hand was a bouquet of flowers.

She spotted me and smiled as I approached her. She did this adorable little two finger wave/ salute which I may have been distracted by if I wasn't so busy convincing myself I was angry.

And the in that delicious accent she said "look, I'm so sorry, I didn't have a choice okay"

"Oh it's okay" no shit, you were angry remember.

"What?" She said, almost amused with confusion.

"No, what I mean is I'd like that back" I said trying to sound as confident as I could pointing at my wallet.
"Oh right" she said as she handed me it back.

"Now, how do you not have a choice in stealing an innocent mans wallet and then give it back to him?" I questioned, amazed by how I was still standing in her presence.

"If I told you, you'd think I was bonkers"
"First of all, what is bonkers?" I asked, still very much amused by her accent.

"Oh right it's erm.... Like crazy" she clarified waving her hands around to explain,

"Oh, that ship has sailed, now explain" I stood there not budging until I got an answer.

She sighed looking around as if she was about to tell me her deepest darkest secrets.

" me and my brother have this game" I raised my eyebrow, confused. " we've been playing the same game of truth or dare for 12 years. You have to understand sibling rivalry right? I couldn't say no"
she said as though it was the most logical
explanation. As if she hadn't given me a heart attack over a game of truth or dare. I couldn't mask my surprise.

"You stole my wallet" i was struggling to form words. Half laughing, half astonished. "You stole my wallet, because your brother dared you to?"

"Yeah, exactly. See I knew you'd understand" she said as she went to turn.

"Woah woah hey," I said stopping her. " you stole my wallet for a dare? Are you 7 years old?" I asked still not able to mask my surprise.

She just threw her head back and laughed a glorious laugh. I wanted to hear it again. "You clearly don't have siblings?"

"No, " I said with a pang of guilt "but what has that got to do with you stealing my wallet?"

" if you had siblings you'd understand that you can't ever let them win" she said, again like it was the most logical explanation in the world.

" you know what Celia. I'm going to leave before I have an aneurysm trying to understand what just happened. Have a great day" and I turned to leave when she grabbed my arm before I could turn fully.
"Listen I know it doesn't make sense but I'm really sorry, and besides, I didn't take anything , everything's still there I promise." She reassured me.

I hadn't even checked but I believed her. My legs were planted. I couldn't bring myself to look away from her but I had to get to the office so I turned to move again when she grabbed my arm for the second time. It sent tingles down to my feet.

"I almost forgot. Here these are for you, a little sorry present" and with that she left the flowers in my hand and a smile on my face before I too got on the train and made my way to the office for my follow up interview.

I couldn't really comprehend what had happened but I used the feeling as confidence as I walked into the double doors of this building.

The building was tall with windows as far as the eyes could see, it was one of things I loved about New York. The buildings, the atmosphere, it made me happy in a way I couldn't explain.

I asked the lady at reception if I could leave the flowers with her until I was done and she kindly obliged. I walked into the room and greeted everyone politely. Once we had finished discussing the formalities of the job, the directors of the firm told me they would see me on Monday and that the rest of the details would be emailed to me. As I left I had to resist the urge to skip out of the building.

When I got home I put the flowers on the island in the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge. As I drank my water I walked over to the flowers and laughed to myself staring at them. Before I went to find a vase or something close to one I noticed the little white card " Celia - meet me at the train station at 9am tomorrow so I can properly apologize to you"

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