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I do hope you're not getting too comfortable with the sunshine and rainbows so far. I don't want to bore you with all the precise details of our relationship because don't get me wrong i could talk about it for hours but i'm short on time so we're going to skim through the next few months.

I started at my new job and i'm glad to say its was going quite successfully, i had a few clients at this point and was still learning but eventually i got the hang of it .

Moving on from where i left off, i obviously couldn't leave without asking her on another date, well, another few dates actually. we'd been dating for around 3 months and i was practically in love with her. i mean I'd dated girls throughout high school and college but i had never felt this attraction before.

in short, it was like someone had put a magnet inside my heart and the only other one it was attracted to was the one put in her heart. Now i know what you're thinking, how do you fall in love with a person in three months? let me tell you, if you had met my Celia, you would've fallen in love with her too, i was a little jealous of her to be honest. the hold she had over me was astonishing.

One night we were sat in Aaron's apartment watching a movie i forget the name of. Aaron had gone out with another one of his girlfriends that i also forget the name of, but you can't blame me, there were so many.

We were in a blanket cuddled up on the couch and she was falling asleep. i couldn't pay attention to the movie when she was this close to me. We'd agreed to take it slow around the third date and i had obliged then but i don't know what i was thinking because if she'd ask me to marry her tomorrow i know my poor heart would've said yes without even thinking.

i glanced over at the clock and it was midnight so i turned off the T.V. and slowly got up, careful not to wake her. i carried her up the stairs and placed her in the covers of my bed.

She stirred in the bed before making herself comfortable as i went downstairs to get us both a bottle of water.

I walked past the island in the kitchen and stopped upon the flowers in the vase. It was like our thing. After she first brought me Roses that day she gave me back my wallet, she began showing up to every date with the same purple roses.

I thought it was adorable. one time i had showed up to a date with some flowers and she quite literally sulked the whole date, she said that if not roses, what else could she bring to the relationship.

i slowly made my way up the stairs and into my room and sat on the chair across from the bed. Something about sleep made a person look so peaceful.

This beautiful woman, in my bed, was a force of nature, but asleep she looked like the sea in the middle of the day, the only movement was the slow rise and fall of her chest.

The steady pace of her breathing slowly turned fast as i saw a crease appear in between her eyebrows. i moved closer to the bed to make sure she was okay.

i felt the urge to just rub the crease away. she had told me she often got nightmares so whenever she was over i watched her sleep (yes i do understand how creepy that sounds but obviously not in a stalker way) i needed to make sure that she was alright. so i got into the bed next to her and it was like as soon as she felt the bed dip she instinctively released her arm to find me. i moved under her arm so she could move to put her head on my chest.

" you have to stop making me fall in love with you" I whispered into her ear. she stirred again and i quickly stilled, terrified of her hearing me but with a small sigh, she reassured me she as asleep.

i woke up a few hours later when she had jolted me awake, breathing heavily from the nightmare she'd obviously just had. almost like clockwork i was by her side with the water bottle, showing her how to slow down her breathing.

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