Letters From Celia

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I know you told me it was love at first sight for you, but I hate to break it to you darling, that wasn't the case for me. Now I'm highly aware that this is going to be a blow to the ego but it has to be said.

When I first met you I was irritated. I mean you stood right in front of me and told me your name and all I was doing was minding my own business, trying to call a cab.

The second time we met I was missing Carter, a lot so I took his advice and did something outrageous. By the time we'd met for the third time you were growing on me a little. Maybe a lot but that's not the point.

The point is that I fell in love with you slowly, I fell in love with your brown hair, the way it falls onto your forehead. I fell in love with the single dimple that sits on your left cheek. I fell in love with the way you smiled after I called you darling. I fell in love with the way our hands fit together like they were made to be there. I fell in love with how loved you made me feel. I fell in love with the way you fell in love with me.

I fell in love with the way you made me believe I was worthy of you, and your love. I fell in love with your soul Jacob Mendoza. I fell in love with you slowly because I needed time to get to know your soul because I believe that we loan our bodies. They're never really ours, whether it's from the universe or from God or from some being up there, they're not ours. The only thing that I can count on, the only way I can tell you're human is if I can see your soul. And yours is beautiful.

So no, I didn't know that you were the one the first time I saw you. I didn't feel a flutter in my heart when you washed them gorgeous eyes over mine for the first time, no. I knew you were the one because you put your soul out there for me to see it, to feel it. And I have to say, it's my favorite place in the entire world.


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