Pajama Wedding

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Rory had been here for three days, which meant that they would be leaving in five days. Celia had gone out to "sort some things out" and Rory had the unfortunate case of being left with me.

So far I'd tried cartoons, football, chocolate and the park but this kid would not budge. "You wanna go see a movie?" I don't know who taught me how to deal with kids but they clearly didn't teach me well.

Another shake of the head on Rory's part. I let out a frustrated breath, "Why don't you tell me what me what you want to do?"

She looked back at me and smiled, it was a mischievous smile, I couldn't help but dread what she was going to say.

"CAKE!" It caught me off guard I almost fell over. The kid was quiet one minute and screaming the next. Kids are confusing.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her."you wanna make a cake?" I asked. She began nodding vigorously before she attached herself to my leg. Again. It was futile to attempt to remove her.

I limped over to the kitchen and sat her on the counter. I began getting out the flour and the butter and the eggs and placing them all next to Rory. Big mistake.

I was taking out the mixing bowl when I felt something hit my shoulder and fall down the left side of my back. I turned around slowly and found an egg shell on the floor and a guilty Rory laughing at me.

I was shocked at how Ballsy this five year old kid was being right now. Because then she looked me straight in the eye and threw another one right at my chest. I had to admit though, she had great aim.

If she was going to play dirty so would I. I took the flour that was on her left and blew a handful in her direction.

She giggled again and copied me. I shook the flour that was invading my hair and I heard the key in the door.

I put my finger on my lip to make sure Rory knew that I was about to attack her aunt and she smiled at me, nodding. I grabbed Rory and placed her on my shoulders and handed 2 eggs.

I took the bag of flour and we hid near the fridge.

"Hello?" I heard Celia shout and felt Rory silently chuckle on my shoulders.

She placed her keys on the counter before she came into view , taking in the mess on the kitchen floor.

"What the-"

"NOW NOW" I shouted.

"Woah woah" Celia had her arms crossed in front of her face, protecting herself from eggs and flour.

She began taking off her bag from off her shoulder whilst reaching for the bag of flour in my hand. "Oh it is on Mr Mendoza."

"Wha- it was her idea." I said pointing to Rory on my shoulders.

Celia took Rory's foot and said "Oh I find that hard to believe. Was this your idea darling?"

The traitor shook her head! I mean, I would've been loyal. I took Rory from my shoulders and held her out in front of me.

My hands were under her arms. "Oh is that so huh?" I said tickling her. "Are you sure it was my idea munchkin?"

In between giggles and trying to breathe Rory began shaking her head. She was grabbing at my hands when she said, "Uncle Jacob's silly"

Oh this child knew how to tug at my heart strings. How could you even be mad at her. Celia took flour and tapped me on the nose with it. "He is, isn't he?"

I looked over at Celia, "Hi" I said kissing her cheek. She planted a kiss in the side of my forehead and said "Hey"

I was about to kiss her again when we heard "EWWWW" coming from Rory. Me and Celia looked at each other smiling and planted a kiss on each of Rory's checks. The sloppy kind, until she was squirming out of our hold.

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