Date night

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The next day it was raining. Celia had planned a surprise. She told me to wear my best suit and meet her at her apartment at 7 pm. I had brought an umbrella in case she had planned for us to go outside and made my way to her apartment. She opened the door and I felt my breath hitch. We'd gone on dates before but never fancy dinner dates. This was the first time i'd seen her in fancy clothes.

She was wearing this deep red dress that came and sat just above her knees with a pair of heels and a black coat. She looked like something from a movie, like I didn't deserve her at all.
She ran her fingers over the top of her head where an adorable little ball of hair was placed. Nothing about her was ever left to chance, the fly always framing her face had been put there purposely. She was perfect. She locked her door and placed her hand in my own and it fit like it was made to be there.

"Will you please tell me where we're going? I hate surprises" I whined.

"All in due time my darling, now why did you bring that stupid umbrella?" She asked. I looked at her stating the obvious.

"Well sweetheart it's kind of raining." She looked back at me as we'd stopped in the middle of the street.

"Your point being?" She said closing my umbrella.

"CELIA !" I screamed as the rain drenched both of our clothes. She was bonkers.

She laughed, turning her head up towards the rain. The drops slowly jumping from the sky to her face, leaving light smudges of makeup around her eyes but still she pulled it off, it was like she just couldn't look ugly gosh, I kind of envied her for it. It was like it was the first time she was feeling the sweet sensation of rain. I followed and felt the drops on my face, ruining my suit.

"Okay now can we please go before we freeze to death" I said pulling her away. "But we're here" she said pointing across the street.

I followed her finger and saw an empty space lit with lanterns and fairy lights , leaving space for a gazebo.

"You planned a what, exactly?". But she was already in front of me grabbing my hand, dragging me to the middle of the gazebo.

"Mr Mendoza, please may I have this dance?" She said, curtsying in front of me. She too her phone out of her purse and placed a headphone in my ear and the other in her own ear. Cautiously I took her hand and said " I don't know how to"

"I'll teach you." she said smiling in front of me and placing my right hand on her waist and my left in her other hand. she then placed her left hand on my shoulder and began swaying us slowly with her head on my chest.

we stayed like this for forever until she moved both of her arms around my neck, the song had started again but she didn't move. After a moment she broke away and began to do this weird bop, moving her hips at the same time. i laughed and began mimicking her. i realized we must've looked like complete weirdos dancing like this but i didn't mind. She took her position back in front of me with her arms around my neck.

i wish that moment had lasted forever. it was in that moment that i'd realized her eyes had never actually been brown. They were a really light shade of green, i couldn't bring myself to look away, they were just there, staring at me. they looked like home, home was staring me in the eyes and i couldn't look away.

After a while she looked at me and said "Okay, now i hate to ruin this but i have really got to pee". i laughed out loud as she moved away from me and we ran back to her apartment

. she said that there was Chinese food on the way because she couldn't stand flashy restaurants. We took off our clothes and got into comfier ones. she came out of the bedroom wearing a hoodie and threw me one as well.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for this" i said, clearly accusing her of stealing my hoodie. " i love this hoodie" i carried on. she sat in front of me, between my legs as i put on the hoodie.

"More than you love me" she said, trying her best to look at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Never." was all i said before i slowly inched closer, her doing the same. Every time my lips interacted with hers it was like someone was ripping my heart out, charging it and giving it back. We slowly met each other in the middle and as soon as it started, i was sad it would end. Her hand slowly made it's way up my cheek and back into my hair while mine cupped her face. I could feel her smile against my lips and it filled my heart with something i couldn't quite explain.

She was so warm, even though we'd both been out in the rain only moments ago her body was like a heater. When she broke the kiss I kept my eyes closed hoping that if I kept them closed for long enough it would last a little longer.

she pulled me out of my trance with "I have to tell you something okay?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her almost urgently to see any hints as to what she was about to say, but her eyes did not betray her, she looked back and started " I just need to get it out of the way before this goes too far"

When it rains in the desertWhere stories live. Discover now