Pasta night

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"What, and I cannot express this enough, the absolute hell is Mary doing in my living room?" There was no being calm about this because the only explanation in my head that actually made any sense was that Celia had kidnapped her, and I really did not want to believe that.

"Jacob, I promise you, there's an explanation." She said, placing herself on the edge of the bed. I wasn't even going to deny it, right now in this moment I was angry. How could she explain this? What could possibly justify her kidnapping a child?

"Yeah, there sure as shit better be." I said, running my hands through my hair. I was surprised at my own emotions.

I stood in front of her, waiting for the explanation.

After a few moment of silence. "That picture that was in the file, it had fallen out and I was just putting it back inside. But when I saw it, I couldn't put it down."

She paused, looked up at me and resumed. "That child" She said, pointing to the closed door between us and the child. "It isn't Mary, her name isn't Mary."

I waited, waited for her to carry on but she was struggling. I sat down next to her and took her hands. "What do you mean?"

"That girl in there is Emory Acker" I looked at her, waited for a second before asking, again, "what do you mean?"

"I told you i'd had her kidnapped." I nodded. "Well my contact, got Rory a new passport, new identity and had her put into the custody of a couple. Mr and Mrs Coreker." I hadn't realized that a tear had made it's way down her face.

"When I saw the photo I don't know what happened, It was stupid, shit I know it was stupid" She put her head in her hands. I turned to face her and pried her hands away from her face. I was in front of her now, kneeling. There were tears streaming down her face.

"I had to see her Jacob." She whispered. And with that all of the anger flew out of me. I realized that even if there was an explanation, I would help her, I would do whatever it took. "I missed her so much."

I nodded. "I understand love, I know." She wiped her nose with her sleeve and nodded back.

"When I turned up, the door was open, the door was already open and both parents were no where to be seen. All I heard was Rory, crying. " She took another breath and rested her arms on her knees, her fingers intertwined. "I could hear the noise coming from the wardrobe so I opened the door but I couldn't see her. There was a small plank of wood missing and I realised she was behind the wardrobe. They'd put her behind the board"

She sat back up, "I didn't know where else to take her Jacob." I nodded. I got up and sat next to her, pulling her into me. Before I could even speak the door flew open and Mary, Rory, came into the room, practically running at Celia.

She had these beautiful, bright blue eyes and blonde hair. She was, in short, adorable. The resemblance was even more unnerving in person, but at the time I refused to believe it. There was no mistaking it, she had the exact same blue eyes.

Now you're probably asking, same eyes as who? But all in due time my darlings.

Celia wiped her eyes and asked if we were hungry and within a few seconds she'd left the bedroom and gone into the kitchen. Leaving me alone with Rory. She looked at me and I smiled back. Before I could even blink she'd attached herself to my leg.

I couldn't help but laugh at the gesture. I tried to shake her off my leg but she was stuck. She had a strong hold. I got up and walked a few paces before I reached for her to pull her off. I placed my hands under her arms and began pulling.

This girl would not budge from my leg. She began giggling and I could see her little teeth when she opened her mouth. She really was adorable.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where Celia was taking the pasta from the jar.

"Retrieve her please." I said, limping around the counter so she could see the predicament I was in. She stopped before bursting into laughter.

They were both laughing and I couldn't help it. I lowered myself down to the ground and laughed.

As I was laughing, I realised I couldn't remember the last time i'd felt this feeling. It was contagious, It was the kind of laughter that made all of the weight lift off of your shoulders.

"Auntie Cee." She giggled as Celia took her off my leg. It was the first time i'd heard her speak. I know I've said this a million times already but she was adorable.

The three of us were sat on the floor trying to calm down from our fit of laughter and I couldn't help but wonder if this meant Celia would have to leave sooner.

Celia got up and sat Rory onto the counter whilst I lifted myself up. "How would you like to help me make dinner?" Celia turned to Rory and she immediately began squealing. I guess that meant yes.

After a second of squealing, Celia moved her mouth to Rory's ear and whispered rather loudly, "How about we ask uncle Jacob if he'll help us?" Uncle Jacob.

I immediately began beaming for some reason. I couldn't help myself, I mean I never thought i'd ever hear those words, ever. Lia wasn't around to make me a niece or a nephew and although technically Rory was Celia's cousin, it made sense she saw her as an aunt.

Once the pasta was made, we sat down and ate before putting Rory to bed in our room. Celia was going to sleep with Rory and I was going to take the spare room.

I began making the bed up after making sure they had everything they needed.

It was around 2 in the morning when I heard the door creak open and Celia walked in. She came around the bed and I opened the covers next to me so she could get in beside me.

After a deep breath, "We have to leave soon" A glimmer of hope flickered through my chest.

"We?" I asked, I hated how boyish I sounded.

She turned her head so she was facing me, I stared at the ceiling. "Me and Rory, I have to take her with me" Oh. Of course she meant the two of them and not the three of us. She'd already explained that I couldn't come with her, that it was too dangerous.

"I suspect that Rick found them and took them to get to Rory. The safest place she can be is with me." I was still looking at the ceiling when I nodded. Although, I wasn't much listening to what she said.

"How soon?" I asked.

"By next week. I need to get her a new passport." I nodded again.

She proceeded to tell me how she'd cut a deal, How, now that she had Rory, the DA would have to cut her a deal. She told me how I couldn't contact her under any circumstances. She told me how she'd most likely never see me again. She told me how I was about to lose the love of my life and I had to watch her leave.

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