Letters from Celia

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Hi my darling , i will carry on with my story but i feel like we needed a little pause. I want to tell you about the good in my life. The parts that made me believe i should carry on. Before you, all i had was Carter. i wish you would've met him, he would've liked you. You would've bullied me together. God, i wish you both would've met. He was taller than me even though we were identical. I told you he wanted to be an artist right? well his dream was to teach it, he used to say

"you know Lex, there's so much evil in the world you can hardly see the good anymore. " and i would finish " yes but you can always paint the walls of the world"

It was something our mum used to say when she was wasted. we would be looking after her or cleaning up after her and she would pat my cheek and say "one day, you'll paint the walls of the world for the children" it was probably the only genuine thing she'd ever said to us. It was like she was telling us that we can't change the world but we could make it pretty enough to disguise it.

He never got to pursue his dreams in teaching, but he did paint the walls. Too bad it was with his own blood. But this was supposed to be the good parts.


Side note- hey guys, you're probably wondering about the lex thing but it will be revealed soon, as my Celia used to say, all in due time my darling.

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