Perfectly fine

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Okay so at this point, you are allowed to think I am a complete douche because I was being a douche. She owed me nothing. She had made me happier than I'd been in months but i was being greedy. I wanted to know everything. But don't worry I realized this. After a while.

For the next week I tried to call her, I showed up outside her apartment, I even sent Aaron to see if she'd open the door to him but nothing seemed to be working and I was getting worried I had royally screwed up everything I had with her.

That was until she knocked on my door the following Friday. She must've come straight from work, she was wearing a pair of Black pants and a blazer. She had been visibly crying and the second I opened the door I felt my heart drop to my feet. I hated that I had been the one to make her feel like this. It made me hate myself. I didn't deserve her.

Gosh I really was an idiot. Here was this beautiful girl stood in front of me and I had hurt her, knowing that her life hadn't been easy.

I thought she'd come to break up with me when She looked at me and blurted" I love you Jacob Mendoza." I wanted to cry at those words. I'd been so sure I would never hear them from her mouth.  "I was doing fine before I met you. I was doing great actually. I came to New York to have some calm in my life, to have routine, to have a constant distraction. I was perfectly fine. I didn't need you and then you came into my life and now every time I look at you I feel flowers blooming in my chest. I've watched enough movies to know what love  is supposed to be like but when I say I'm trying I mean it."

I wanted to stop her. I wanted nothing more that to pull her into my arms and kiss her but when I opened my mouth she stopped me " I never knew what real love felt like until I fell in love with you." I wanted to break. I could feel myself breaking and before I did I pulled her into me. I planted my head in the crook of her neck and I felt her break too. I felt her tears at my chest as she shook in my arms. I brought her inside and we crumbled to the ground. Holding each other for what felt like forever.

When she finally pulled away she looked at me and laughed. "In the 22 years I've been on this earth, I don't think I've ever cried this much before" she said still amused. I said what I had failed to say before.

" I love you too Celia Lockheart. You don't know how long I have been waiting to let those words come out of my mouth." I said feeling relieved. "And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said"

She pushed me in the chest and said " well why did you have to wait for me to say it, God, you could've made my life so much easier." Shaking her head she pushed me again.

"Well where is the fun in that" I said pulling her back into my chest. "I'm sorry Ceils. I shouldn't have pushed. You can tell me when you're ready" I said into her neck.

She pulled back just so she could look me on the eye and said " and if I'm never ready?"

"Then I'll never know" I said.

We stayed in this position until Aaron woke us up by tripping over us when he came in the next morning. Always ruining my moments.

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