00. the sorting

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the sorting

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THE MOMENT THE sorting hat yelled the word 'GRYFFINDOR' after a few brief minutes of scanning Sirius Black's thoughts, Capella knew life as she knew it was going to change.

The silence that swept over the Great Hall, paired with the fear written all over both twins' faces was enough to let even the first year muggleborns (who had no knowledge of the magic world nor the Black family's reputation) know that what had just happened was a moment for the History books.

Capella could practically see the headline of the morning's Daily Prophet already


When their parents caught wind of what had just happened... well that was something she didn't particularly want to think about right now.

Her mind was snapped back to reality after taking another glance at his frozen form at the top of the hall, unmoving, even while Professor McGonagall attempted to usher him down to his house's table.

Capella stepped forward from her place in the line where she was waiting to be sorted and began clapping and cheering as loudly as she possibly could. Sirius' eyes found hers almost immediately and she pushed aside her own apprehension to give him what she hoped was a comforting smile. His eyes softened, knowing that even if the entire school was against him - he would always have his twin's support. That wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Suddenly louder cheers added to her own and she turned around to see a young boy with round glasses and impossibly messy hair clapping for her brother. She watched, puzzled, as he nudged the people around him to do the same and before she knew it the entire hall (bar the Slytherin table) were offering congratulations to the first Black in Gryffindor.

Pride rose in her as she witnessed Sirius pull himself together, plaster on his signature smirk, and causally make his way towards the table decorated with the colours of red and gold. As Capella looked over at her twin dressed in Gryffindor robes taking a seat on the table that practically radiated warmth, she realised that he had never looked so at home as he did in that moment.

"CAPELLA BLACK" called McGonagall from the top of the hall bringing everyone's attention back to the sorting. She felt hundreds of eyes on her back as she calmly walked towards the stool, suddenly a lot more anxious than before. The transfiguration Professor offered a rare, encouraging smile as she placed the hat onto the young girl's head.

"Ah another Black, I see. My last sorting caused quite the disturbance so I wonder what will happen with you. It took great courage to clap for your brother just there, very kind of you I might add."

"I can see that you're incredibly intelligent, but you use your smarts as a means to an end so Ravenclaw isn't for you. Bravery is a trait both you and your twin share. Hold onto that, you'll need it. However, you are a lot less reckless and impulsive, so it looks like Gryffindor isn't an option either. You prefer to think things through and get your way by means of manipulation and careful planning."

Capella sat in complete silence as she let the sorting hat rifle through her thoughts and memories. She couldn't care less where she was placed, her mind was firmly on the fate that would await her brother. Was he okay? Did he need help?

"I see that you value family and loyalty above all else - traits that would see you do well in both Hufflepuff and Slytherin. So which house will it be? You've been awfully quiet, Miss Black. Usually the children I sort have a lot to say, your brother included."

"Well" she began, knowing the hat could hear her inner thoughts, "Mother always tells me that I should not speak unless spoken to and I'm still worried about Sirius"

"You would make the perfect Hufflepuff, Miss Black, but I sense your parents would be even less pleased with that than they will be when they find out about your brother's sorting. I can see that you'd do absolutely anything for your siblings. Your decisions may very well change the bleak fate that awaits those in your life and for you to be able to do that you need to remain a member of the house of Black"

Capella braced herself for the hat's decision. Her parents despised Hufflepuff more than any other house. Getting sorted into the house of yellow and black would most likely mean immediate disownment.

"Cunning, ambitious, unwaveringly loyal and willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. I know the perfect house for you..."

The moment the sorting hat yelled the word "SLYTHERIN", order was restored.

The hat was lifted off of her head and the warm reception she was receiving from the students in the hall was very different to the silence and tension that had greeted Sirius. Keeping her face perfectly blank, she made her way towards the house of green and silver and noticed that some of the older Slytherins had even risen to their feet to greet her while sending smug looks towards the Gryffindor table.

Ignoring the words of praise from her housemates, her eyes frantically searched for a glimpse of her twin brother. She had no idea how he would react. Would he be mad at her? Would he be upset that they were separated?

Grey met grey as the siblings locked eyes from across the hall. She finally felt like she could breathe when she noticed that while the Slytherins were overjoyed to have her in their house - no one was cheering louder than Sirius Black.

Matching grins grew on their faces and for a brief moment everything was simply perfect. They were at Hogwarts where they would learn magic, make new friends and most importantly - get to be away from the watchful eyes of their parents.

The rest of the sorting faded into the background as she thought of all the wonderful things ahead of her. Life was just beginning for Capella Black.

If only she knew what was to come.

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