02. the platform

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chapter two:

the platform


CAPELLA HAD LEARNED from a young age that keeping up appearances was more important than anything else. Coming from a family that was a part of the Sacred 28, looking like anything but a picture perfect pureblood family was always completely out of the question.

Scandals were practically unheard of in the Black family - the only major disturbance to their otherwise 'perfect' image being Andromeda Black's relationship with a muggleborn and subsequent disownment. As much as that incident poked holes in the Black family legacy, it would be nothing compared to the chaos that the disownment of Sirius Black, heir to the Black family, would bring.

After the news of Sirius' escape began to spread, Walburga and Orion immediately tried to contain the damage. Their harsh rules became even more strict and even half a step out of line was simply not tolerated. Capella spent the majority of the remaining summer months at various galas being forced to smile through the pain and pretending that everything was just perfect.

It's safe to say that the summer before her sixth year was the worst one yet.

Standing in front of the train on the Platform had never come as such a relief as it did to Capella. She was so close to freedom.

The hand on her shoulder tightened painfully as she attempted to move away from her parents and onto the Hogwarts Express

"Don't disappoint us, Capella" came the tense voice of her mother from behind her "Not a toe out of line, do you understand?"

"I understand" she replied blankly without a hint of emotion in her voice. At this point she was willing to promise anything if it meant getting onto that train faster.

"And Regulus," continued Walburga in a much sweeter tone than before "good luck with your O.W.Ls. We know you will not let us down." Capella felt her brother tense beside her at their mother's words - he really did hate the endless expectations placed upon him.

"Keep an eye on your sister" added Orion, his cold voice sending shivers down Capella's spine "Write to us if she decides to do anything out of line. We cannot afford more damage to our family name"

Regulus nodded stiffly and Capella simply rolled her eyes. They always expected the worst from her and she didn't even think she was that bad! Sirius was always the reckless one (she was just the one defending him). Whenever she decided to be rebellious, she was always clever enough to cover her tracks. Her parents still didn't know about her closeness with Sirius' friends and her most treasured friendship with Alice Fortescue.

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