14. love is in the air

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chapter fourteen:

love is in the air


Leo Marshall felt as though he were being haunted by Capella Black.

She pervaded his every waking minute. Whether it was at prefect meetings, patrols, in the great hall or even in potions - she was an ever present figure in his life. Leo was inexplicably drawn to her. It was as though there was some cosmic force always holding them together, never freeing him from this gravitational pull.

Leo found everything about Capella intoxicating. Her sharp, commanding presence demanded respect and her reputation preceded her. However, it was those small, fleeting glimpses of pain in her eyes that capture his attention. It's the beautiful moments of kindness and love that Leo sees that ensure he will never be able to move  past this infatuation.

Capella is a spider using her silver string to entrap those around her. 

Leo is well and truly caught in her web.

Walking into the Great Hall, he finds it impossible not to spot her instantly. Capella was withdrawn, playing mindlessly with her toast and ignoring the concerned stares from Regulus and even Sirius from a few tables over.

Leo was nothing if not observant.

Capella didn't speak or even make any move to prove that she was alive and present in the conversation happening around her. She merely existed, blending seamlessly into the scenery. She was seated in between Nott and Montague, surrounded by their frankly terrifying group of friends. Leo shuddered at the thought of what they might be saying.

"Are you okay, Leo?" Steven questioned "Your porridge is going cold."

Leo reluctantly drew his eyes always from the concerning scene at the Slytherin table and focused back on his own breakfast. "My bad", he lets out what he hopes to be a convincing laugh, "Must not have gotten enough sleep last night."

"Well you better wake up fairly soon."Steven pats him on the back sympathetically. "We have potions next and Slughorn seemed very excited about whatever potion we will be making today."

For the better part of an hour, Leo tried to stay focused on Steven's predictions about the potion and his latest interaction with Peter. He only allowed himself brief, darting glances over at the Slytherin table. With each look he grew more and more concerned. It seemed that with each minute Capella spent with Nott and his group, the more she wilted.

Leo waited and waited until, finally, Capella stumbled to her feet, mumbling some sort of apology to an irate looking Nott. Leo spluttered a quick apology of his own to Steven before hurrying out after her.

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