06. library apologies

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chapter six:

library apologies


CAPELLA WAS INCREDIBLY thankful that Professor McGonagall, (or 'Minnie' as her brother liked to call her), allowed them to choose their own partners for the year.

The moment McGonagall announced that they had two minutes to quickly couple up, Alice abandoned her Gryffindor housemates and ran to stand with Capella.

That action alone had made Capella's day.

Even though herself and Alice had been close for years, Capella still sometimes found herself feeling insecure about their friendship. In her darkest moments her mind would wander to horrible places where she would wonder if Alice valued the friendship as much as Capella did.

Alice was liked by practically everyone in the school and was quite popular amongst her Gryffindor peers. She had a kind and welcoming aura that drew people towards her. She was basically sunshine personified.

Capella on the other hand was the exact opposite.

She felt her heart glow with happiness when Alice immediately wanted to work with her out of everyone she was friends with. Capella wanted to kick herself for ever doubting her best friend

McGonagall assigned them the longest essay Capella had ever had to write, but she found that she wasn't dreading it as much as the rest of her classmates. At least in this class she would be able to enjoy the company of the person she had to work with.

The pair spent the next two hours in the library bouncing ideas off of each other as they wrote the transfiguration essay. And even though transfiguration was not either of their best subjects, Capella cherished every second she got to spend with Alice.

"Wait?" Alice tilted her head to the side and squinted her eyes as she attempted to make sense of the text in front of her "What does the Avis charm do again?"

"Is that the spell that changes hair colour?" Capella guessed as she flicked through her own book, frantically searching for the answer

"That would be Crinus Muto" a voice interrupted the girls' conversation, causing them both to jump in surprise. "I believe Avis conjures birds"

Capella looked up to see Sirius and James standing over their table. Both of them looked like a mess. James' untidy hair was somehow messier than usual and he was panting as if he had just ran a marathon. Sirius was no better. His tie was tied around his head and there were tiny leaves and branches decorating his usually perfect hair.

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