10. happy birthday

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chapter ten:

happy birthday 


THE NOVEMBER AIR was chilling as midnight approached and Capella could feel the unforgiving wind against her cheeks, staining them an unflattering red, as she wandered around Hogwarts for her prefect duties.

She was alone tonight for practically everyone in the castle; it seemed had congregated in the Gryffindor common room to celebrate Sirius Black's birthday.

The marauders had chased her around for the last few weeks attempting to convince her to come and celebrate her own birthday along with her twin brother. They always seemed to know exactly where she would be and it was quite disconcerting for them to be one step ahead of her.

Capella was quite insistent on saying no each time, sometimes even walking away without a word, leaving her silence to be an indication of her feelings regarding a joint birthday party. They hadn't stopped asking though. They had to know their efforts would be futile but she admired their persistence all the same.

After having spent so much time around the hyperactive Gryffindors the past few weeks, the stillness of the silent corridors was honestly... refreshing.

Before she knew it, Capella found herself climbing the stairs to the Astronomy tower. She hadn't been up there since the beginning of the year and well, she was feeling a little bit lost and in need of the quiet solitude it brought her. It was her 17th birthday after all. She was finally of age, an official adult in the eyes of the wizarding world. She could run away if she wanted to, start a new life somewhere far away and never have to answer to her parents again.

As much of a wild fantasy as it was, Capella couldn't stop a small smile from growing at the thought. However, as moments of pure bliss were often so fleeting for Capella, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of glass breaking.

She pushed open the door to the astronomy tower to find Sirius sitting down in a dark corner with fragments of a broken beer bottle at his feet. Capella sighed as she watched him attempt to gather up the broken pieces only to succeed in prickling his finger on the glass.

"Sirius for the love of Merlin, stop touching the broken glass!" Capella called out, her voice destroying the still atmosphere of the night. "You're a wizard, get rid of it with magic!"

"Ella?" Sirius called out, his words slightly slurred "Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me" She sighed once more as she muttered a spell under her breath to clear away the glass, seeing as it was obvious he was in no state to think clearly.

"Haven't seen you in ages" He stated sleepily, drawing out the vowels in the last word as if trying to emphasise just how long it had been. He then opened his eyes incredibly wide and peered up at her with searching eyes "Did you know it's my birthday?"

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