04. potions partners

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chapter four:

potions partners


"I CAN'T BELIEVE I forgot to finish my summer transfiguration homework" Alice groaned as she buried her head into Capella's shoulder. Capella awkwardly patted Alice's head as she continued to fret about how much trouble she would be in.

"You'll be fine" Capella attempted to reassure "you can copy mine in potions. Slughorn probably won't even notice"

"You're the best!" Alice squealed, her face lighting up happily as the pair wandered into the potions classroom "McGonagall would literally kill me if I didn't hand it up"

Capella slid daintily into a seat alongside Alice and reached into her bag to find her perfectly written transfiguration essays.

"Welcome class" came the booming voice of Professor Slughorn and Capella had to hold herself back from rolling her eyes.

While she had nothing against the man per se, she just found him to be quite strange. He pretended to be interested in the lives and education of all his students but really only cared about making connections with certain families and those he felt would be influential in the future. Slughorn even formed an exclusive club and if you weren't part of it, he didn't give you any attention whatsoever.

Unfortunately, Capella had been forced to accept the invitations to the club meetings and parties by her parents.

"Come gather around everyone" Slughorn beckoned and with a silent groan Capella walked over to the table in the centre of the room. "Before I tell you what we are making today I have a few questio-"

Slughorn was cut off by the door to the classroom slamming open and Capella sighed when she realised that the disturbance was caused by her brother.

Sirius and James stood in the doorway laughing and joking as they casually strolled further into the room. Peter tried to be quieter and more respectful than the other two but the large grin on his face was evident for the whole class to see. Finally, Remus wandered in last looking much more nonchalant than the rest of the group.

Slughorn sighed heavily at the intrusion before turning around "Ah, so glad you've finally arrived. Gather 'round then boys"

James and Sirius insisted on making as much noise as humanly possible as they made their way over to the group of students. Remus stood next to her and gently nudged her arm causing her to look up at him. "You alright?" He mouthed and she felt the tension leaving her body. She offered him a small smile and nodded before trying back to the Professor.

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