08. quidditch and conversations

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chapter eight:

quidditch and conversations 


DURING THE WEEK leading up to a quidditch match, it was quite common to see the teams from each house flying around the large green field until very late in the evenings. Quidditch only furthered the intense rivalries between the four houses - particularly between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Sitting in the stands, Capella pulled her robes tighter around her body as she shivered. It was late at night and freezing cold and she was sacrificing an entire evening just to watch Gryffindor's quidditch practice. She deserved an award for being the best friend and sister in the world, Capella thought bitterly.

"Doesn't Frank look so gorgeous in that uniform" Alice gushed from beside Capella who pretended to gag at the display of affection. Alice pushed Capella playfully before returning to watching Frank fly around tossing a quaffle back and forth with McKinnon.

"I still don't get why I have to be here" Capella complained as she shivered yet again "I'm not even a Gryffindor. I feel like a traitor"

"Oh stop with your dramatics" Alice tutted "You're here to support Sirius and so I don't come off as too obsessed by watching Frank"

"You are totally obsessed" Capella muttered under her breath and thankfully Alice was too busy watching Frank try (and fail) to score a goal to listen.

Capella's interest was grabbed as she watched a large group of people make their way onto the quidditch field. "Tonight might just be interesting after all" She sat up straight in her seat to get a better look at the commotion.

"What do you think you're going Montague?" James called out as he flew closer to the ground.

"Quidditch Practice" Montague snarled "Get off the field"

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor" James replied heatedly and Capella could tell that he was struggling to keep his cool. Alice and her exchanged a panicked look as they started to make their way down to the field. This wasn't going to end well.

"Actually it's our turn now" Avery piped up from behind Montague "We have a note"

James snatched the parchment from Montague's  extended hand and began to read it aloud "I, Professor Slughorn, hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today due to the need to train in their new seeker"

Sirius clutched his broom tighter in his hands "That's crazy!" He exclaimed loudly "We've had this booked for ages"

"Who's the new seeker?" Frank asked, distractedly as he was busy smiling at Alice. Capella rolled her eyes. The world could quite literally be ending and they still would only have eyes for each other.

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