13. chocolate cake

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chapter thirteen:

chocolate cake


CAPELLA WAS A woman on a mission. An incredibly important one. Probably the most important mission she would ever embark on.

A mission to get chocolate cake.

All she needed to do was manage to make her way to the kitchens without breaking into tears and catching someone's attention on the way.

Simple, right?

After what seemed like an eternity of power walking, Capella breathed out a sign of relief when she finally approached the portrait of the pear. Reaching out a hand, Capella quickly tickled the fruit and watched delightedly as the picture swung open and she was greeted with the smell of freshly baked goods. It was as if the house elves were expecting her.

"Mistress Black" a cheerful voice called out and Capella felt a smile grow on her face "Topsy is so happy to see you! Topsy has been worried"

"It's lovely to see you too, Topsy" Capella replied just as happily "But remember, just call me Capella"

"Right, yes" Topsy frantically nodded "Would Capella like some cake?"

"Yes, Thank you"

It had become a tradition of sorts for Capella that whenever she wasn't feeling great (which was unfortunately becoming increasingly more frequent), she would come down to the kitchens. She had been there so often over the years, both with Alice and without, that she had become quite friendly with all of the house elves, particularly Topsy.

Topsy returned some time later with the most delicious looking cake Capella had ever seen. "Topsy used a new recipe this time" the house elf said apprehensively "If Capella isn't liking it, Capella must tell Topsy"

"It looks simply wonderful," Capella truthfully replied. Her gaze moved to take in the intricately decorated cake when she found there was something written on the top.

"What's this?" Capella asked as she moved to get a better look at it.

Topsy nervously clasped their hands together as they awaited Capella's reaction "Capella looked sad so Topsy wanted to help"

Scrawled on the top of the cake in blue icing were the words

'Don't worry, Be happy!'

"Another student gave Topsy some muggle music and Topsy thought it could make Capella feel better"

TACENDA | marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now