06. partners again

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chapter six:

partners again


THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Capella overslept - something she hardly ever did. The night before had left her completely drained but she did have to admit that the weight on her shoulders felt slightly less all consuming.

Capella got dressed as quickly as she could, pulling her robe haphazardly around herself and foregoing her usual extensive hair care routine for a bun at the bottom of her head. Glancing in the mirror, she deemed herself presentable enough to brave the Great Hall for breakfast.

She hurried down to the Hall in the hopes of grabbing something to eat before classes started but was greeted by Professor Slughorn standing outside the door.

"Ah Miss Black, there you are!" Slughorn spoke triumphantly as he spotted the slightly frantic looking witch walking down the hall "I've been looking for you all morning. I have great news for you!"

Slughorn placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small object which he held out to Capella with a large grin growing on his face.

Capella hesitantly reached out her hand to take the object and skeptically looked down at the... was that a badge?

Her face contorted in horror as she realised she was holding a sparkling Prefect Badge in her hands. Slughorn mistook her reaction for one of pleasant surprise and shock as his smile grew even wider.

"Miss Addison informed us that she was dropping out this year due to the war" Slughorn's expression was sombre for a minute as he thought about the gifted half blood Slytherin who went into hiding out of fear "It's truly a pity but we have to fill the prefect position"

Capella's eyes were glued to the small metal badge in her hand as she thought about how she could refuse the promotion without sounding ungrateful.

"I was certain you would say yes so I have already sent the great news to your family" Slughorn smiled happily down at one of his favorite students.

All colour disappeared from Capella's face as her head snapped up from the badge to stare at her Professor in disbelief.

"I thought I would save you the trouble" Slughorn's smile dropped slightly as he realised she did not look as pleased at his words as he had anticipated "Is everything alright, Miss Black? Have I said something wrong?"

Capella cleared her throat and begged herself to get it together. The Potions Professor had no idea what he had just done, he was just trying to be helpful.

"Not at all, sir" Capella plastered on a fake smile as she attempted to reassure her head of house "I would be honored to be a Prefect this year"

"Wonderful" Slughorn clapped his hands together in glee and Capella grinned weakly back at him "Mr Potter and Miss Evans are holding a meeting this evening so make sure you attend"

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