15. drunk on love

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chapter fifteen: 

drunk on love


"TODAY WAS YOUR final potions class of your sixth year at Hogwarts" Slughorn announced towards the end of class.

There was a buzz of anticipation and excitement in the air as it was the day Slughorn was set to decide which pair had managed to get their hands on a few drops of liquid luck.

"Nothing special about today's class" Slughorn walked around the room dramatically "Nothing at all"

"But wait!" He cried at the top of his lungs, making everyone in the room jump "Today is the day you have been working towards all year"

"You have all been working extremely hard" Slughorn continued his drawn out speech "Some more than others"

"But" he raised his voice once more for dramatic effect. Capella rolled her eyes. Come on man! Just tell us already. "One pair stood out from the others. In fact I was shocked that they produced such wonderful potions as they seemed to have a bit of a rocky start"

Slughorn stopped walking as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two tiny vials of liquid luck. Everyone in the class was paying attention now.

"Each vial contains enough potion for one person to experience the greatest day of their lives. And without further ado, the winning partnership is...."

Capella and Leo exchanged nervous looks as silence took a hold of the classroom. They hadn't had the easiest of partnerships but their work had been consistently strong. For the last few months they had been a perfect potion making team. Even better than Snape and Evans used to be. Hopefully it was enough to put them over the edge.

"Mr Marshall and Miss Black" Slughorn announced joyfully and Capella swore she felt her heart stop. They did it!

They both sat frozen in their seats while the rest of the class filed out of the room. As they passed by their desk, some students offered a halfhearted congratulations while others walked passed with their noses in the air.

James and Lily walked past their desk, each genuinely congratulating the pair on their achievement. Sirius shook Capella's shoulders in excitement as he passed by and Remus patted her on the back on his way out. Alice left the room hand in hand with Frank, offering her best friend a delighted smile and a thumbs up.

"There you go" Slughorn handed them each a vial after finally managing to usher the marauders (and Steven) out of the room. They had been putting on an improv dance performance to commemorate Capella and Leo's win and Slughorn had only just managed to close the door before Sirius broke out into song.

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