07. ghost stories

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chapter seven:

ghost stories


SURPRISINGLY THE 31ST of October was a day taken most seriously throughout all of Wizarding Britain and was also widely celebrated throughout Hogwarts.

Hagrid and Flitwick had really outdone themselves this year, Capella noted as she took in the decorations covering the great hall.

There were giant jack - o 'lanterns carved by Hagrid that were big enough to sit in, bright orange and yellow streamers hanging from the ceiling and the usual enchanted starry night sky above the hall was altered to illustrate a 'spooky' scene of a blood red moon with live bats flying all around.

"Woah, if this is all just for breakfast imagine how great the hall will look tonight" she heard a first year exclaim in awe of the effort the staff put into the celebration each year.

"Yeah it's pretty cool,"Capella muttered. As much as she hated holidays, she had to admit that the decorations were simply spectacular.

Her eyes drifted over towards the Hufflepuff table where Leo Marshall and Steven Abbott were talking animatedly to a group of first years. Capella rolled her eyes and shockingly found herself focusing in on Leo. He was sitting in the middle of his adoring group of fans and appeared to be telling some sort of tale that was causing various looks of shock and slight fear to show on the younger students' faces.

Seriously? Ghost stories this early on in the day?

"Why are you staring at Marshall? Regulus questioned, snapping Mila out of her thoughts.

"What" she spluttered nervously as though she had been caught red handed "I wasn't!"

"Do you have a... crush?". He paused dramatically before practically yelling the last word.

"Oh my god Reg" she looked around frantically making sure no one heard him "I do not have a crush on Marshall. I'd sooner have a crush on the Giant Squid before I willingly spent time with him. I was just thinking about the potions project".

"Good" Regulus stated skeptically, raising his eyebrows at her defensiveness "Mother would freak if she found out you were partners, let alone friends".

"We are not friends" Capella snarled through gritted teeth and Regulus held up his hands in surrender.


"YOU WERE BEING awfully loud at breakfast today" Capella stated as she started brewing a calming draught for the day's lesson.

Leo stood completely shocked at the fact that she was actually speaking to him. He knew they had called a truce two weeks before but she had still continued to regard him with her usual cold indifference. Usually it was just him rambling on and on about whatever he felt like while she ignored him. This was progress, he thought happily.

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