10. hogsmeade trips

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chapter ten:

hogsmeade trips


THE MONTH OF November came and went in a blink of an eye and the end of term was fast approaching.

As they entered the month of December, the weather turned so cold that even the most stylish of Slytherin purebloods traded in their gorgeous skirts and dresses for heavy woolen clothing and huge winter coats. The mountains surrounding the castle became an icy grey and the lake froze over completely. Seeing Professor McGonagall run around frantically in her tartan dressing gown, yelling at students who were attempting to ice skate on the lake, became a regular occurrence.

Two weeks before the holidays, a blanket of snow fell over Hogwarts grounds and every surface was covered in glittering frost. Dainty icicles swayed precariously from the numerous archways in the castle and snowflakes danced around the students on their journey to the ground. There was a buzz of Christmas in the air all around the castle. Hagrid could be seen chopping down dozens of trees that would be placed in the Great Hall the day before students returned home to their families, Professor Flitwick had decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be actual fluttering fairies and Fabian and Gideon had already started multiple snowball fights.

Christmas at Hogwarts could only be described as magical.

The final Hogsmeade trip of the year rolled around and you could practically taste the excitement in the air. The people of the village always went all out for each and every holiday - and this Christmas was no different. The village looked as though it were straight out of a muggle Christmas card. The quaint cottages and the busy shops were all covered in a fresh layer of glistening snow and each door donned a festive holly wreath.

Capella wandered through Hogsmeade alone, having just split up from Alice who went to continue her Christmas shopping. Capella had decided to take a leisurely stroll around. Her mind kept wandering to her and Nott's detention. They had a lot of fun that night - or at least she did. But after they had finished the extra punishment they had managed to pick up for destroying the dungeons, they had gone back to having no contact with each other. Capella didn't know what else she had been expecting really but for some reason it had disappointed her. It would have been nice to have a friend in Slytherin.

"Capella" an overly positive voice called out and she audibly groaned.

Leonardo Marshall was racing in her direction, almost falling over on the ice several times on his way. Capella struggled to contain her laughter as she watched him slide around the street, his bobble hat bouncing with him.

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