04. are you crazy, capella?

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chapter four:

are you crazy, capella?


CAPELLA HAD NEVER seen Kings Cross look busier than when they arrived only two minutes before the train was set to take off.

The platform was bustling with activity. Tearful parents stood waving at their children sitting in the carriages and last minute arrivals ran around, frantically trying to put away their luggage before the final whistle rang.

No matter how many years Capella stood on the platform watching the happy families, it never did get any easier. She had, however, gotten much better at hiding her jealousy. Walburga and Orion would never be the parents she dreamed of and this summer only solidified the fact that they would never get any better.

"Fix your posture" Walburga hissed into Capella's ear while digging her nails into Capella's arm. Capella tried her best to pull her shoulders back but whimpered aloud at the pain the action caused.

"Quiet, girl" Orion spat, his voice void of any emotions but stone cold anger "Your dramatics are starting to draw unwanted attention"

'Dramatic' Capella internally scoffed at her fathers choice of words. She felt as though she were completely falling apart, both physically and mentally.

"Don't you dare put even a toe out of line" Walburga warned as the final whistle for the train blew "You're already in deep trouble for your recklessness this summer. Don't make it worse"

Capella nodded, too terrified of the repercussions she would receive for 'talking back'.

Walburga and Orion apparated away from the train station on the spot without another word to Capella.

Capella sighed forlornly as she dragged her suitcase over towards the entrance. She needed to find Regulus as soon as possible. It had been far too long since she had last seen him.

She made her way towards the train before she was knocked violently to the ground by a body barreling towards her.

"What in the name of Merlin is wrong with you?" Capella groaned weakly as she attempted to drag herself back to a stand. She dodged the outstretched hand offering to help, electing to painstakingly haul herself up, before looking up to get a better look at her attacker.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and- oh, Capella it's you!" Leo Marshall's face turned red as he realized who he was talking to. Capella's face turned a similar colour as she recalled their last conversation at the party. An awkward silence settled between them as Leo gazed, entranced, into her large grey eyes while she stared right back at him.

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